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Title: Health promotion at workplace in the Republic of Moldova
Authors: Munteanu, Ecaterina
Lambova, Rosina
Stoica, Mihaela
Munteanu, Artur
Keywords: health promotion;workplace;evaluation;questionnaire
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Instituţia Publică Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu” din Republica Moldova
Citation: MUNTEANU, Ecaterina; LAMBOVA, Rosina; STOICA, Mihaela; MUNTEANU, Artur. Health promotion at workplace in the Republic of Moldova. In: MedEspera: the 10th Intern. Medical Congress for Stud. and Young Doctors, 24-27 April 2024: abstract book. Chișinău, 2024, p. 419. ISBN 978-9975-3544-2-4.
Abstract: Introduction. Health promotion is a movement that enables the population to have control over the determinants of health and create their overall health. It aims to reduce current differences in health status and ensure equality of opportunity and resources to enable all people to reach their full health potential. Aim of study. In this study we aimed to evaluate the practice of the Republic of Moldova in promoting health at the workplace, to elucidate the strategies and mechanisms involved in encouraging a healthy work environment and supporting the well-being of employees. Methods and materials. The specialized literature on the topic of health promotion was analyzed: studies in the last 10 years, using the PubMed, NCIB, Medscape, Mendeley databases, using the keywords: "health promotion", "workplace", "evaluation", " questionnaire". As well as guides, manuals, monographs, the order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova regarding health promotion, the Ottawa Charter for health promotion. Results. Based on the analyzed literature, we developed a questionnaire in Google Forms that addressed the working population of the Republic of Moldova, which aimed to evaluate health promotion. The questionnaire included closed type questions, which allowed the collection of general data about the participant, yes or no type questions and mixed type questions, where the participants could choose the answer option or propose their own option. Based on the results of these questionnaires, we formulated the following conclusions. Conclusion. The Republic of Moldova faces various challenges: with the worsening of economic pressures and the increase in the costs of health services, the risk of social exclusion increases and in the future, the key to success could be changing the mentality of decision-makers, service providers and members of society, so that the health service health should no longer be perceived as simple actions for the treatment of diseases, but a mechanism that places the emphasis on the promotion of health and well-being.
metadata.dc.relation.ispartof: MedEspera: The 10th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors, 24-27 April 2024, Chișinău, Republic of Moldova
ISBN: 978-9975-3544-2-4
Appears in Collections:MedEspera 2024

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