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Title: Efficiency of the carrier-motion appliance in the treatment of class ii malocclusion. Case report
Authors: Caraman Ana-Lucia
Voinotinschi Zinaida
Doilovscaia Margarita
Keywords: class II malocclusion;distalization
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Instituţia Publică Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu” din Republica Moldova
Citation: CARAMAN, Ana-Lucia; VOINOTINSCHI, Zinaida; DOILOVSCAIA, Margarita. Efficiency of the carrier-motion appliance in the treatment of class ii malocclusion. Case report. In: MedEspera: the 10th Intern. Medical Congress for Stud. and Young Doctors, 24-27 April 2024: abstract book. Chișinău, 2024, p. 483. ISBN 978-9975-3544-2-4.
Abstract: Introduction. The Carrier Motion Appliance is a non–invasive device. It delivers a light, uniform force, moving and distalizing the whole canine to the molar segment as a unit and correcting the first molar rotation, before braces or aligners therapy. Treatment takes approximately six months and can improve the outcome of orthodontic therapy. Case statement. Patient R.C. Age: 14 years old. Chief complaint: esthetic and functional disorder; profile: convex; normodivergent facial pattern; vertically growing chin; skeletal class II pattern; class II molar, canine relations; increased overjet; protruded and proclined upper incisors; proclined lower incisors; upper diastema d.11-21, spaces between d.11-12, d.12-13, d.22-23; lower diastema d. 31-41, spaces between d. 31-32, d.32-33, d.41-42, d. 42-43. Diagnosis: Angle Class II division 1 malocclusion. The first phase of treatment: molar and canine distalization with the Carrier Motion Appliance. Second phase: fixed bimaxillary orthodontic appliance. Discussions. Using the Carrier Motion Appliance in the first phase of treatment of class II/1 malocclusion brings an undeniable benefit. Conclusion. Upper first molars rotate into the correct position. Class I molar and cuspid relationships achieved. Overjet and overbite corrected. Total treatment time was greatly reduced. force, moving and distalizing the whole canine to the molar se gment as a unit and correcting the first molar rotation, before braces or aligners thera py. Treatment takes approximately six months and can improve the outcome of orthodontic therapy. Case statement. Patient R.C. Age: 14 years old. Chief complaint: esthetic and functional disorder; profile: convex; normodivergent facial pattern; vertically growing chin; skeletal class II pattern; class II molar, canine relations; increased overjet; prot ruded and proclined upper incisors; proclined lower incisors; upper diastema d.11-21, spaces between d.11-12, d.12-13, d.22-23; lower diastema d. 31-41, spaces between d. 31-32, d.32-33, d.41-42, d. 42-43. Diagnosis: Angle Class II division 1 malocclusion. The f irst phase of treatment: molar and canine distalization with the Carrier Motion Appliance. Secon d phase: fixed bimaxillary orthodontic appliance. Discussions. Using the Carrier Motion Appliance in the first phase of t reatment of class II/1 malocclusion brings an undeniable benefit. Conclusion. Upper first molars rotate into the correct position. Cl ass I molar and cuspid relationships achieved. Overjet and overbite corrected. Total treatment time was greatly reduced.
metadata.dc.relation.ispartof: MedEspera: The 10th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors, 24-27 April 2024, Chișinău, Republic of Moldova
ISBN: 978-9975-3544-2-4
Appears in Collections:MedEspera 2024

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