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Title: Methods of diagnosis and treatment of chronic fibrous periodontitis
Authors: Nani, Stanislav
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Instituţia Publică Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu” din Republica Moldova
Citation: NANI, Stanislav. Methods of diagnosis and treatment of chronic fibrous periodontitis. In: MedEspera: the 10th Intern. Medical Congress for Stud. and Young Doctors, 24-27 April 2024: abstract book. Chișinău, 2024, p. 498. ISBN 978-9975-3544-2-4.
Abstract: Introduction. Chronic apical periodontitis is one of the main problems of contemporary endodontic therapy. Fibrous periodontitis occurs as a result of acute periodontitis, previously treated pulpitis, or stress caused by edentation or joint trauma associated with the reduction of cellular elements and the increase of fibrous tissue - a diffuse thickening of the periapical portion of the periodontium. Aim of study. To determine the effectiveness of the treatment of chronic fibrous periodontitis, including the sterilization, drying and perfect sealing of the root canal system and the preservation of the functional tooth in the healthy bone. Methods and materials. A group of 18 patients, aged between 35 and 50 years, who were treated or were undergoing treatment were clinically and paraclinical examined to determine the presence of periapical changes and obtain clinical and radiological data on affected teeth. The final treatment of the tooth is possible only when the periapical tissues are free of apical inflammation. Results. Endodontic treatment complying with the stages of root canal preparation, qualitative sterilization and filling represents a complex therapeutic solution to restore the morpho-functional integrity of the teeth in the dental arch. Conclusion. The clinical study was of great importance in the treatment of chronic fibrous periodontitis and highlighted the need for qualitative and effective treatment to stop and heal pathological apical processes. Successful results of the therapeutic approach to patients with periapical conditions depend on an early diagnosis and treatment plan. endodontic therapy. Fibrous periodontitis occurs as a resu lt of acute periodontitis, previously treated pulpitis, or stress caused by edentation or joint tr auma associated with the reduction of cellular elements and the increase of fibrous tissue - a diffuse thickening of the periapical portion of the periodontium. Aim of study. To determine the effectiveness of the treatment of ch ronic fibrous periodontitis, including the sterilization, drying and perfect sealing of the root canal system and the preservation of the functional tooth in the healthy bone. Methods and materials. A group of 18 patients, aged between 35 and 50 years, who were trea ted or were undergoing treatment were clinically and paraclinica l examined to determine the presence of periapical changes and obtain clinical and radiologic al data on affected teeth. The final treatment of the tooth is possible only when the periapical tissues ar e free of apical inflammation. Results. Endodontic treatment complying with the stages of root canal preparation, qualitative sterilization and filling represents a complex therapeutic s olution to restore the morpho-functional integrity of the teeth in the dental arch. Conclusion. The clinical study was of great importance in the treatme nt of chronic fibrous periodontitis and highlighted the need for qualitative and eff ective treatment to stop and heal pathological apical processes. Successful results of t he therapeutic approach to patients with periapical conditions depend on an early diagnosis and tr eatment plan.
metadata.dc.relation.ispartof: MedEspera: The 10th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors, 24-27 April 2024, Chișinău, Republic of Moldova
ISBN: 978-9975-3544-2-4
Appears in Collections:MedEspera 2024

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