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Title: Acces laparoscopic monoport total extraperitoneal în cura herniilor inghinale bilaterale
Other Titles: Laparoscopic monoport acces in bilateral inguinal hernias treatment
Хирургическое лечение паховой грыжи через лапароскопический монодоступ
Authors: Gladun, Nicolae
Ungureanu, Sergiu
Cuceinic, Sergiu
Grati, Sergiu
Keywords: Laparoscopic Approach;Total Extraperitoneal;The Minimally Invasive Surgical Treatment;Transumbilical Monoacces
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei. Ştiinţe Medicale
Abstract: Rezumat Lucrarea are drept scop evaluarea avantajelor tratamentului videolaparoscopic printr-un singur acces transombilical total extraperitoneal LESS-TEP, în tratamentul herniilor inghinale bilaterale, fi ind metode ultra-moderne, miniminvazive, specifi c metodelor endoscopice, cu risc minim chirurgical, reabilitarea rapidă a pacienţilor și complicațiilor postoperatorii. Metodele chirurgicale pentru aplicarea tratamentului chirurgical single port și TEP 3-ports standard în cura herniilor au fost evaluate și sistematizate. S-a analizat comparativ rezultatele postoperatorii în tratamentul chirurgical prin single port şi TEP standard. Tehnica singurului acces transombilical se apreciază ca o metodă ultra-modernă, sigură, cu caracter miniminvaziv, cu impact important asupra sănătății pacienților cu hernii inghinale.
Исследования, приведённые в настоящей работе, демонстрируют эффективность тотально-экстрапериториального доступа LESS-TEP (технология лапароскопических операций через один прокол). На основе клинических данных послеоперационного наблюдения был аpгументирован лапароскопический метод с экстраперитонеальным доступом (LESS-TEP) при лечениe паховых грыж. Представлены показания к LESS-TEP и аргументы в пользу альтернативы данному хирургическому методу. Установлена степень вероятности возникновения послеоперационных осложнений после лапароскопических операций через один прокол LESS-TEP и стандартной трёх портовой видео-лапароскопической методики TEP.
The research conducted in the present work, demonstrates the efficacy of the single port minimally invasive laparoscopic treatment LESS-TEP. In the research work consists in the argumentation of the Single Port LESS-TEP treatment in the inguinal hernias cure. It were argued the LESS-TEP indications, as an alternative treatment of the standard three port TEP surgery. It was established the risk of the complications for the total extraperitoneal laparoscopic method Single Port LESS TEP and the technique of standard three port TEP. The data from the study complements the knowledge of the surgeons on the role of the endoscope surgery in the treatment of the inguinal hernias.
ISSN: 1857-0011
Appears in Collections:ARTICOLE ȘTIINȚIFICE

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