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Title: Inter-relaţia dintre Overlap sindrom şi splenopatia autoimună portal hipertensivă
Other Titles: Interrelation between Overlap syndrome and portal hypertensive autoimmune splenopathy
Authors: Cazacov, V.
Dumbravă, V.
Darii, E.
Caragaţ, Z.
Moscalu, I.
Keywords: splenopathy;overlap syndrome;patients
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Asociaţia chirurgilor “Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova
Citation: CAZACOV, V., DUMBRAVĂ, V., DARII, E. et al. Inter-relaţia dintre Overlap sindrom şi splenopatia autoimună portal hipertensivă = Interrelation between Overlap syndrome and portal hypertensive autoimmune splenopathy. In: Arta Medica. 2016, nr. 3(60), pp. 47-48. ISSN 1810-1852.
Abstract: Introducere. Identificarea overlap sindromului este un aspect important al practicii chirurgicale. Scop. Stabilirea incidenţei Overlap sindromului (OS) la pacienţii cirotici supuşi intervenţiilor chirurgicale. Material şi metodă. Sunt analizate 168 cazuri internate şi operate pe o perioadă de 14 ani, monitorizaţi clinic, biochimic şi paraclinic. Prezenţa OS a fost documentată în 83 cazuri, 64 din ele fiind încadrate ca OS cu predominarea componentului autoimun (49 femei şi 15 bărbaţi ). Diagnosticul OS s-a bazat: criterii clinice (preponderenţa sexului feminin, biologice (mărirea aminotransferazelor, valoarea gamaglobulinelor peste 2,5g/ dl, prezenţa markerilor autoimuni - anticorpilor antinucleari şi antimuşchi neted, lipsa de răspuns favorabil la terapia , eficacitatea corticoterapiei), imunologice (mărirea IgG, CIC) şi histopatologice (prezenţa infiltraţiei limfoplasmocitare). S-a practicat operaţia Hassab-Kaliba asociată cu omentopexii, iar la 3 cazuri cu anastomoze porto-cave. Rezultate şi discuţii. Postoperator, toţi aceşti pacienţi au aderat la un protocol terapeutic aparte cu viză patogenică ţintind întreruperea lanţului autoimun prin corticoterapie doze mari în varianta puls-terapiei, administrate de la caz la caz. Rezultatele obţinute documentează efect pozitiv al terapiei. Şi totuşi, majoritatea pacienţilor (38p; 59,4%) au prezentat evoluţie postoperatorie trenantă, au dezvoltat insuficienţă hepatorenală şi/ sau ascită tranzitorie şi o incidenţă înaltă a complicaţiilor septice şi tromboembolice postoperatorii. Concluzii. OS are incidenţă crescută la pacienţii cu hipersplenism autoimun, impune o abordare diferită, judicioasă şi administrarea unui tratament imunosupresor individualizat.
Introduction. Identifying overlap syndrome is an important aspect of surgical practice. Purpose. Establish the incidence of Overlap syndrome (OS) in cirrhotic patients undergoing surgery for portal hypersplenism. Material and method. 168 cases admitted and operated for a period of 10 years, monitored clinically, biochemically and laboratory were analyzed. OS has been documented in 83 cases, 64 of which are classified as OS with predominance of autoimmune component (49 female and 15 male). The diagnosis of OS was based on following criteria: clinical (female preponderance), biological (increased level of aminotransferase, gammaglobulin value above 2.5 g / dl, presence of autoimmune markers - antinuclear and antismoothmuscle antibodies and , no favorable response to therapy, the efficacy of corticosteroid therapy), immunologic (increased level of IgG, CIC) and histopathological (presence of lymphoplasmacytic infiltration). Was practiced Hassab-Kaliba operation associated with omentopexy, and in 3 cases porto-caval anastomosis. Results and discussions. Postoperatively, all patients received a special protocol treatment with the aim to interrupt pathogenic autoimmune chain by high-dose corticosteroids administration type of puls-therapy administrated from case to case. Obtained results showed the positive effect of applicated therapy. Yet, most patients (38p; 59.4%) had hard postoperative evolution, with developing of hepatorenal insufficiency and / or transient ascites and high level of postoperative septic and thromboembolic complications. Conclusions. OS has an increased incidence in patients with autoimmune hypersplenism: requires a different, judicious approach and administration of individualized immunosuppressive treatment.
ISSN: 1810-1852
Appears in Collections:Arta Medica Vol. 60, No 3, 2016 ediție specială

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