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dc.contributor.authorКостев, Ф.И.
dc.contributor.authorФилиппов, П.С.
dc.contributor.authorФилиппов, С.А.
dc.identifier.citationКОСТЕВ, Ф.И., ФИЛИППОВ, П.С., ФИЛИППОВ, С.А. Радикальная цистэктомия с двухсторонней поэтапной уретеросигмостомией в хирургическом лечении рака мочевого пузыря. В: Dializa și Transplant Renal din Republica Moldova: conferința 3-a de Urologie, conferința 2-a de Nefrologie: culegere de lucrări. Chișinău, 2002, сс. 99-101.
dc.description.abstractSummary There was held an analysis of 56 cases of radical cystectomy with double-sided stage-by-stage urethrasigmastomy at the patients with bladder cancer of the 2nd - 4th stages. The age of the patients varied from 46 fo 75. The post-operative complications are as follows: • secondary healing of post-operative wound is registered in 17 cases (30.3%) • acute pyaelonephritis - 12 cases (21.4%) • chronic nephritic deficiency - 8 cases (14.2%) • insolvency ofurethrasigmaanastomosis • peritonitis - 1 case (1.8%) • post-operative lethality - 4 cases (7.1%) The method employed ensures high quality of life at a low operational risk.en_US
dc.publisherSocietatea Urologilor din Republica Moldovaen_US
dc.relation.ispartofCulegere de lucrări Conferința 3-a de Urologie, Conferința 2-a de Nefrologie: Dializa și Transplant Renal din Republica Moldova (30 - 31 octombie 2002)en_US
dc.titleРадикальная цистэктомия с двухсторонней поэтапной уретеросигмостомией в хирургическом лечении рака мочевого пузыряen_US
Appears in Collections:Culegere de lucrări Conferința 3-a de Urologie, Conferința 2-a de Nefrologie: Dializa și Transplant Renal din Republica Moldova (30 - 31 octombie 2002)

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