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Title: Mathematical modeling in predicting the effectiveness of anti-tuberculosis treatment based on biochemical markers of tuberculosis
Authors: Shevchenko, O.S.
Matvyeyeva, S.L.
Ovcharenko, I.A.
Pohorielova, O.O.
Keywords: mathematical model;anti-tuberculosis treatment;human-beta-defen-sin-1;ferritin;interleukin-6
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Instituţia Publică Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu” din Republica Moldova
Citation: SHEVCHENKO, O.S., MATVYEYEVA, S.L., OVCHARENKO, I.A., POHORIELOVA, O.O. Mathematical modeling in predicting the effectiveness of anti-tuberculosis treatment based on biochemical markers of tuberculosis. In: Revista de Științe ale Sănătății din Moldova = Moldovan Journal of Health Sciences. 2024, vol. 11(2), an. 1: Congresul de medicină internă din RM: culegere de rezumate. p. 9. ISSN 2345-1467.
Abstract: Introduction. Today it is necessary to create new methods for studying and predicting the course of diseases. One of these tools is the construction of a mathematical model. The purpose of the study was to make a mathematical model for predicting tuberculosis treatment effectiveness based on determining the levels of Human-beta-defensin-1, ferritin and interleukin-6. Materials and methods. The study included 44 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Results. To predict the effectiveness of anti-tuberculosis treatment based on the level of HBD-1, the equation was obtained: A = 0.63877*Defl - 0.09831*Def2 - 9.18519 B = 0.3405*Defl + 0.4666*Def2- 23.5351 For ferritin, the equation was obtained: A = 0.63877*Ferl - 0.09831*Fer2 - 9.18519 B = 0.3405*Ferl + 0.4666*Fer2- 23.5351 For IL-6, the equation was obtained: A = 0.01538*IL6-1 + 0.13728*IL6-2 - 3.38667 B = -0.0563*IL6-1 + 0.7154*IL6-2- 50.9235 Conclusions. Based on a study of the relationships between the effectiveness of tuberculosis treatment and the levels of Human-beta-defensin-1, ferritin and interleukin-6, a mathematical model was built that allows predicting the effectiveness of anti-tuberculosis therapy based on determining the data of biochemical markers at the beginning of treatment and after 60 days of anti-tuberculosis therapy with specificity and sensitivity of at least 88%.
metadata.dc.relation.ispartof: Revista de Științe ale Sănătății din Moldova: Moldovan Journal of Health Sciences: Congresul de medicină internă din RM cu participare internațională, ediția a IV-a, 13-14 septembrie 2024: culegere de rezumate
ISSN: 2345-1467
Appears in Collections:Revista de Științe ale Sănătății din Moldova : Moldovan Journal of Health Sciences 2024 vol. 11(2) Anexa 1

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