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Title: Evolution of the residual risk in the post-myocardial revascularization period in patients with ischemic heart failure
Authors: Cazacu, Janna
Bursacovschi, Daniela
Lisii, Dorin
Vataman, Eleonora
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: European Society of Cardiology, European Association of Preventive Cardiology
Citation: CAZACU, Janna; BURSACOVSCHI, Daniela; LÎSÎI, Dorin, VATAMAN, Eleonora. Evolution of the residual risk in the post-myocardial revascularization period in patients with ischemic heart failure. In: European Journal of Heart Failure HFA Discoveries Abstract, 22-29 iunie 2020, vol. 22. Suppl. S1. p. 206. https://doi:10.1002/ejhf.1963
metadata.dc.relation.ispartof: European Journal of Heart Failure: HFA Discoveries Abstract
ISSN: 1388-9842
Appears in Collections:ARTICOLE ȘTIINȚIFICE

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