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dc.contributor.authorPopov, Irina
dc.identifier.citationPOPOV, Irina. Conceptul programului informaţional medical pentru oficiul medicului de familie implementat în clinica universitară de asistenţă medicală primară a USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”. In: Anale Ştiințifice ale IP USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”. Ed. a 10-a. Chișinău: CEP Medicina, 2009, Vol. 2: Probleme actuale de sănătate publică și management, pp. 336-340en_US
dc.descriptionŞcoala de Management în Sănătate Publicăen_US
dc.description.abstractThis article presents the concept of the Information System „CabiManager” for primary health care institutions and family doctors. The overview will include the requirements that are necessary for the development and implementation of the medical information system, including the role of the Information Technology System in the utilization of electronic medical records (e-records), the process of monitoring the patient in the system, and quality assurance processes. The article also describes the efficiencies, advantages, barriers, and problems in the implementation of the Medical Information System.en_US
dc.publisherCEP Medicinaen_US
dc.subjectInformation System „CabiManager”en_US
dc.subject.meshPrimary Health Careen_US
dc.subject.meshPhysicians, Familyen_US
dc.subject.meshElectronic Health Records - utilizationen_US
dc.subject.meshMonitoring, Ambulatoryen_US
dc.titleConceptul programului informaţional medical pentru oficiul medicului de familie implementat în clinica universitară de asistenţă medicală primară a USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”en_US
dc.title.alternativeThe concept of the medical information system for family medical office implemented at the university center of primary health care state medical & pharmaceutical university "Nicolae Testemitanu"en_US
Appears in Collections:Medicină socială și management sanitar

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