- IRMS - Nicolae Testemitanu SUMPh
- Arta Medica
- Arta Medica 2010
- Arta Medica Vol. 40 No 1, 2010
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Title: | Particularităţi histologice şi ultrastructurale ale ţesuturilor expandate la bolnavii cu sechele cicatriceale postcombustionale |
Other Titles: | The histological and ultrastructural peculiarity of the tissue expansion at the patients with postburn scar sequelae |
Authors: | Cirimpei, Octavian Andronic, Valentina Marin, Ion Baciu, Ion Terteac, Dumitru |
Keywords: | Tissue expansion;electron microscopy;BIOPTRON |
Issue Date: | 2010 |
Publisher: | Asociaţia chirurgilor “Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova |
Citation: | CIRIMPEI, Octavian, ANDRONIC, Valentina, MARIN, Ion, et al. Particularităţi histologice şi ultrastructurale ale ţesuturilor expandate la bolnavii cu sechele cicatriceale postcombustionale. In: Arta Medica. 2010, nr. 1(40), pp. 17-23. ISSN 1810-1852. |
Abstract: | Expansiunea tisulară este o metodă de perspectivă în vederea reconstrucţiilor sechelelor postcombustionale, substituind defectele cicatriceale cu un ţesut calitativ de aceeaşi structură, elasticitate, textură, culoare. Scopul studiului a fost de a analiza comparativ schimbările
morfologice şi ultrastructurale ale tegumentelor normale, expandate prin metode tradiţionale, expandate şi suplimentar expuse la lumină
polarizată policromată incoerentă BIOPTRON. Pentru studiul histologic şi electronmicroscopic au fost folosite ţesuturi dermice neexpandate,
tegumente expandate obişnuit şi ţesuturi expandate, dar suplimentar expuse fototerapiei. Ţesuturile au fost colectate de la aceleaşi persoane, de pe cupolă şi de la baza ţesutului tensionat. Tegumentele expandate şi totodată expuse fototerapiei prezintă mecanisme adaptivcompensatorii mai accentuate ale metabolismului tisular şi ale vascularizării lambourilor dermice. Caracterul schimbărilor intracelulare
atestă reacţii compensatorii mai pronunţate de adaptare şi ameliorare a metabolismului intracelular în cazul expandării combinate cu
terapie BIOPTRON comparativ cu expandarea tradiţională. Rezultatele obţinute denotă o accelerare a proceselor de regenerare tisulară,
cicatrizare fină şi rezultate funcţionale şi estetice mai bune în cazul terapiei adjuvante cu lumină BIOPTRON. Tissue expansion is a perspective method in reconstruction of post burn scars, by the substitution of scar defects with a new qualitative
tissue with the same structure, elasticity, texture and color. The aim of the study was the comparative analysis of the morphological
changes as well as the ultra structural of the normal tissues, expanded by the traditional methods, expanded and supplementary exposed
at the polarized incoherent polychromatic BIOPTRON light. For the histological and electron microscopy study the no expanded dermis
tissues were used, but supplementary exposed to phototherapy. Tissues were collected from the same individuals, from the cupolas
and the base of the tensioned tissue. Tissues which were expanded and at the same time exposed to phototherapy present mechanism
adapt-compensate with a more accentuated tissue metabolism and vascularized of dermis flaps. The changes in intracellular changes
present a better compensate reactions in adaptation and normalizing of intracellular metabolism in cases of combined expansion with
BIOPTRON therapy related to traditional expansion. The results present an acceleration in tissue regeneration process, fine scaring and
functional-esthetical results much better in the case of supplemental therapy with BIOPTRON light. |
URI: | http://repository.usmf.md/handle/20.500.12710/10155 |
ISSN: | 1810-1852 |
Appears in Collections: | Arta Medica Vol. 40 No 1, 2010
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