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dc.contributor.authorCiubotaru, Catalina-
dc.identifier.citationCIUBOTARU, Catalina. Oral candidosis. Clinical and therapeutic aspects. In: MedEspera: the 7th Internat. Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors: abstract book. Chișinău: S. n., 2018, p. 233.en_US
dc.descriptionDepartment of odontology, periodontology and pathology, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldoven_US
dc.description.abstractIntroduction. Despite the modern medicine benefits, the significant increase of mycotic infection is caused by a large number of determinant factors that convert the saprophytic Candida flora into a pathogenic one. The immune system suppression induced by administration of antibiotics, cytostatics drugs and glucocorticoids have determined an increment in incidence of oral candidosis, considered by Wenzel an “illness produced by treatment”. Although there is a large number of antimycotic drugs, selecting a rational remedy is still a key problem for pharmacotherapy. In order to investigate these aspects, we studied the clinical features of oral candidosis and evaluated the obtained results of a complete antimycotic treatment. Materials and methods. 20 patients with oral candidosis were selected for the study group, diagnose confirmed by clinical and laboratory examination (cultivation on Sabouraud medium and gram microscopy), among them 12 women (60%) and 8 men (40%) of different age, most of the affected persons of 30-49 years old (50%). All patients from the study group have been subject of a complex treatment: etiotrop, imuno-stimulating, hygienic and dietetic. Results. In the study group, oral candidosis was found together with concomitant illness: endocrine (40%), cardiovascular (25%), gastrointestinal (45%), respiratory (30%). There was established a relation between candidosis and certain periods of the year, with an increased frequency during winter-spring season (25-40%), explained by respiratory pathways illness and antibiotic therapy treatment. Locally, the lesions were found on tongue, palatal and angular mucosa. Treatment efficiency was of 90%, number confirmed by clinical examination and laboratory tests. Conclusions. The efficiency of oral candidosis treatment is based on a complex therapeutic approach, focused on etiology and interruption in the pathogenic chain, rebalancing the immune capacities, prophylaxis of relapses and prolonging the remission period.en_US
dc.subjectoral candidosisen_US
dc.subjectcomplex treatmenten_US
dc.titleOral candidosis. Clinical and therapeutic aspectsen_US
Appears in Collections:MedEspera 2018

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