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dc.contributor.authorBriceag, Veronica
dc.identifier.citationBRICEAG, Veronica. Treatment of panic disorder. In: MedEspera: the 6th Internat. Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors: abstract book. Chișinău: S. n., 2016, p. 68-69.en_US
dc.descriptionDepartment of Psychiatry, Narcology and Medical Psychology, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, The 6th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors, May 12-14, 2016en_US
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: The article addressed the treatment of panic disorders with the purpose of optimizing the methods of treatment in order to obtain good lasting results. Materials and methods: 15 patients (men and women) with panic disorders of different age were tested. Testing was performed before and after pharmacological treatment using questionnaires, with a 3 week follow-up. Discussion results: Before and after the treatment were observed the following results among the patients: Hamilton scale - severe and moderate depression (66%) with turn for lack of depression after treatment (73%); Taylor scale - very high and high anxiety (93%) with change to mean anxiety after treatment (80%); Spilberger scale - high stable anxiety (80%) and moderate (20%), high reactive anxiety (20%), moderate (67%), post-treatment evolution to stable moderate anxiety (80%) and lowreactive anxiety (80% ); Chambless questionnaire with average loss of control anxiety (27%), concern for somatic symptoms - average (20%), post - treatment relieving symptoms (100%); Marks- Mathew questionnaire - high and mean value anxiety-depression (67%), high and mean value agoraphobia (37%), average social phobia (27%), wound and blood phobia (20%) after treatment anxiety-depression, phobia for wounds and blood and agoraphobia lack (7%) and social phobia (13%) average values; Meyer questionnaire - unrealistic anxiety (20%) with improvement after treatment (100%). Conclusion: Structured Psychotherapy, particularly cognitive-behavioral ones, in line with their availability and patient preferences should be privileged to drug therapy.Pharmacotherapy is an important lever in improving signs and symptoms of panic disorders, its effect requires a period of 3-28 weeks to highlight.en_US
dc.subjectPanic disorderen_US
dc.titleTreatment of panic disorderen_US
Appears in Collections:MedEspera 2016

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