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dc.contributor.authorBolboceanu, Veronica
dc.contributor.authorVeleșco, Valeria
dc.contributor.authorBaciu, Dumitrița
dc.contributor.authorHîțu, Dumitru
dc.identifier.citationBOLOBOCIANU, Veronica, VELESCO, Valeria, BACIU, Dimitrita, [et al]. Cranio – facial associated traumas. In: MedEspera: the 6th Internat. Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors: abstract book. Chișinău: S. n., 2016, pp. 310-311.en_US
dc.descriptionFaculty of Stomatology, Oro-Maxilo-Facial Department of Surgery and Oral Implantology Arsenie Gutan, The 6th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors, May 12-14, 2016en_US
dc.description.abstractIntroduction. Facial Associated traumas generate a range of social problems, with an important economic damage. All these justify the recent study of facial Associated traumas treatment problems, by specialist doctors, however, the elaboration of new curative-diagnostic algorithms remains a priority in the modern traumatology. The aim of the work: The evaluation of comparative observational descriptive study of cranio – facial Associated traumatic injuries. Materials and methods: In order to reach the set aim, during 2011 medical assistance was offered to patients with facial traumatic injuries at the Oro-Maxilo-Facial surgical clinic (OMFSu). 153 patients with facial Associated traumas have been monitored and took part in a retrospective epidemiological study which included the frequency of the cranio-facial Associated trauma allocation. Results and discussion: Facial Associated traumatic injuries constitute of 13,38% from the total number of patients treated at the OMFSu division. Cranio facial traumatism leading with a total of 87,58% cases out of the patients with Associated traumatism. Concussion occupied 75,37% incidents out of the patients with cranio-facial traumatism, followed by cerebral contusion with 3,73% incidents. Cranial bones fractures consisted of 5,22% compared to the soft tissue injuries which consisted of 32,08% of the incidents out of the patients with cranio-facial traumas. Conclusion: 1. Cranio-facial traumatism consisted of 87,58% cases out of the total number of patients with facial Associated traumatic injuries; 2. Concussion constituted of 75,37% incidents out of the total number of patients with craniofacial traumatism; 3. Soft tissue injuries comprised 32,08% instances out of the total number of patients with craniofacial traumatism.en_US
dc.subjectfacial Associated traumatic injuriesen_US
dc.titleCranio – facial associated traumasen_US
Appears in Collections:MedEspera 2016

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