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dc.contributor.authorAfanasiev, A.P.
dc.contributor.authorKomolkin, I.A.
dc.contributor.authorCaproș, N.F.
dc.identifier.citationAFANASIEV, A. P., KOMOLKIN, I. A., CAPROȘ, N. F. Orthopaedic-surgical treatment of children with funnel deformity of the chest and scoliosis. In: Arta Medica. 2016, nr. 4(61), p. 26. ISSN 1810-1852.en_US
dc.descriptionState budget institution of higher professional education, Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg, State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemițanu”, Republic of Moldova, Al VIII-lea Congres Naţional de Ortopedie și Traumatologie cu participare internaţională 12-14 octombrie 2016en_US
dc.description.abstractWe analyze the treatment of 19 patients aged 5 to 17 years with funnel chest and scoliosis. Combination of the spine and chest severe pathology is specific for the children with system hereditary diseases and seems to have a single root. The combination of the spine and chest deformity mutually aggravates and complicates their surgical correction. We think that, when treating the children with scoliosis and FDC, it is preferable on the first stage to intervene on the spine and, whereas in cases of obvious decrease of the external respiration function parameters as well as in the children under pubertal age and with a relatively light spinal deformity, to perform correction of the chest deformity.en_US
dc.publisherAsociaţia chirurgilor “Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldovaen_US
dc.subjectfunnel deformityen_US
dc.titleOrthopaedic-surgical treatment of children with funnel deformity of the chest and scoliosisen_US
Appears in Collections:Arta Medica Vol. 61, No 4, 2016 ediție specială

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