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dc.contributor.authorMihailovici, Corina-
dc.contributor.authorMihailovici, Pavel-
dc.identifier.citationMIHAILOVICI, Corina, MIHAILOVICI, Pavel. Modern aspects of retention in different types of malocclusions. In: MedEspera: the 4th Internat. Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors: abstract book. Chișinău: S. n., 2012, pp. 194-195.en_US
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: Retention in relation to orthodontics might be stated as follows: the holding of teeth in ideal esthetics and functional positions in order to maintain the final results of the treatment. Nowadays retention is considered to be an integral part of the orthodontic therapy. On this point of view, Riedel makes his own statement: “More and more orthodontists start to understand that retention period does not represent a section out of orthodontic therapy, but is a part of it and should be included in treatment planning”. Project aim: To study the possibilities of using fixed retainers in different zones of dental arches after malocclusion treatment by Straight-Wire technique. Purpose: 1. To determine the ways and conditions of achieving an efficient and stable retention in patients with lateral malocclusions. 2. To study the ways of creating a durable temporary retention after preprosthetic orthodontic treatment. 3. To determine the possibilities of applying multiflex -wire, fixed retainer in the front zone of the superior dental arch. Materials and Methods: We have selected 12 patients, aged 12-18, for achieveing the goals and objectives of our study. Patients were devided in to the following groups: • 1st Angle class with crowding - 5 (41,6%) cases; • 1st Angle class with spacing - 1 (8,3%) cases; • 2nd Angle class, 1st subdivision - 3 (25%) cases; • 2nd Angle class, 2nd subdivision - 1 (8,3%) cases; • 3rd Angle class - 2 (16,7%) cases. We had 7 (58,3%) females and 5 (41,7%) males in our study, 8 (66,7%) of them from urban zones and 4 (33,3%) - rural zones. The patients were subjected to the following investigations: clinical and X-ray exam, biometric study of casts (Pont, Korkhaus methods, Tweed total space measurement). Results: All our patients were treated with modern, Straight-Wire technique - appliances with .022 inch slot, Roth and MBT methods being used. The major part of the treated malocclusions in our study included the use of the following types of retention: • Multiflex, fixed retainer in inferior front zone - 7 patients; • Multiflex, fixed retainer in superior front zone - 2 patients; • Multiflex, fixed retainer in lateral zones of dental arches - 3 patients. We established the presence of a good, durable result in 91,7% cases, patients being followed up during one year, after the end of the treatment. Conclusions: 1. Use of fixed retainer increases the retention efficiency in lateral zones of dental arches. 2. This type of appliance can be used in different types of malocclusions associated with oral position in premolar zone, especially the inferior dental arch. 3. The fixed retainer is indicated in patients with posttreatmentincisal overlay of 2 mm or less in the front zone of superior arch.en_US
dc.publisherState Medical and Pharmaceutical University Nicolae Testemitanu, Medical Students and Residents Association, Scientific Association of Students and Young Doctorsen_US
dc.relation.ispartofMedEspera: The 4th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors, May 17-19, 2012, Chisinau, Republic of Moldovaen_US
dc.subjectfixed retaineren_US
dc.subjectorthodontic treatmenten_US
dc.subjectdental archen_US
dc.subjectstraight-wire techniqueen_US
dc.titleModern aspects of retention in different types of malocclusionsen_US
Appears in Collections:MedEspera 2012

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