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dc.contributor.authorSabetay, C.-
dc.contributor.authorZavate, A.-
dc.contributor.authorCiobanu, O.-
dc.contributor.authorCârstoiu, E.-
dc.contributor.authorKamel, J.-
dc.contributor.authorPurcaru, I.-
dc.contributor.authorScarlat, A.-
dc.identifier.citationSABETAY, C., ZAVATE, A., CIOBANU, O., et al. The incidence of the postoperative peritonitis in digestive surgery in children. Clinical and therapeutical aspects. In: Moldavian Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2017, no. 1, p. 120. ISSN 2587-3229.en_US
dc.description.abstractPostoperative peritonitis are the result of the defects a first surgical intervention and therefore they are a complication of the digestive surgery. In pediatric surgery they appear in the digestive surgery in new-born and infant or as a complication in the postoperative evolution of a acute appendicitis in small children or teenagers, ussuallly, after interventios in the emergency department or other surgical departments. The authors are analyzing the incidence and the causes of the postoperative peritonitis admitted and treated in the pediatric surgery department in the last 25 years.en_US
dc.publisherNational Society of Pediatric Surgery of the Republic of Moldovaen_US
dc.relation.ispartofMoldavian Journal of Pediatric Surgery: Pediatric Surgery International Conference “Performances and perspectives in the pediatric surgery development”, September 14-16, 2017, Chisinau, Republic of Moldovaen_US
dc.titleThe incidence of the postoperative peritonitis in digestive surgery in children. Clinical and therapeutical aspectsen_US
Appears in Collections:Moldavian Journal of Pediatric Surgery

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