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dc.contributor.authorPascaru, Ana
dc.identifier.citationPASCARU, Ana. Responsabilitatea în etica societății post-pandemie. In: Sănătatea, medicina şi bioetica în societatea contemporană: studii inter şi pluridisciplinare = Health, Medicine and Bioethics in Contemporary Society: Inter- and Pluridisciplinary Studies: mater. conf. șt. internaț., ed. a 5-a, 7-8 octombrie 2022. Chişinău: Print-Caro, 2022, pp. 50-56. ISBN
dc.description.abstractThe issue of the article highlights the responsibility in society’s ethics, aftertwodecades of the twenty-first century it becomes. The authortries to prove that responsibility in the society’s ethics does not constitute an innovation for the fields of philosophy. Novelty is nothing more than a different way of understanding interference and elucidated in the responsibility that is otherwise und in the society’s ethics, including in the post-pandemic once. It is analyzed by correlation the perspective of the fields of philosophy with the particular disciplines in order to investigate the interferences in responsibility in the ethics of society in the effigy of the contemporary context. Effigy in which the knowledge of complexity in the construction of difference develops through the openings of the Information Age. Openings, which the ir opportunities put in evidence highlight presence of lesser-known aspects, but also the need to elaborate an appropriate research paradigm. At the same time, with the help of the philosophy’s instruments and the particular disciplines to focused on inter and multid is ciplinary and persevered in the study of responsibility in the society’s ethics. Approached in this way the issue facilitates the knowledge of the challenges trig gyring energies that aggravate the social and environment problems, equally capitalized by the changing’s of responsibility in the matrix of society’s ethics in post-pandemic time.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitatea de Stat De Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu” din Republica Moldova, Centrul Național de Bioetică din Republica Moldova, Institutul Național de Patologie „Victor Babeș”, București, Romania, Universitatea Națională de Sănătate „P.Shupyk” din Ucraina, Institutul de Fiziologie și Sanocreatologie, Republica Moldova
dc.relation.ispartofSănătatea, medicina şi bioetica în societatea contemporană: studii inter şi pluridisciplinare: Materialele Conferinței Științifice Internaționale 16-17 noiembrie 2018
dc.titleResponsabilitatea în etica societății post-pandemiero
dc.title.alternativeResponsibility in society’s ethics in post-pandemicen_US
Appears in Collections:Conferința Științifică Internațională : „Sănătatea, medicina și bioetica în societatea contemporană: studii inter și pluridisciplinare”, ediția a V-a, 7-8 octombrie 2022

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