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dc.contributor.authorNicolau, Gheorghe
dc.contributor.authorTerehov, Alexei
dc.contributor.authorNăstase, Corneliu
dc.identifier.citationNICOLAU, Gheorghe, TEREHOV, Alexei, NĂSTASE, Corneliu. Stagiul clinic practic al studenţilor stomatologi de la finele trimestrelor VI şi VIII - factor important al managementului procesului pedagogic la catedra Stomatologie terapeutică a facultăţii de stomatologie a USMF „N.Testemiţanu”. Concluzii post-stagiu 2010 şi sugestii privind optimizarea acestui sistem de organizare şi de control al cunoştinţelor studenţeşti practice. In: Medicina stomatologică. 2010, Nr. 4(17), pp. 11-14. ISBN 978-9975-52-006-5.en_US
dc.description.abstractRezumat. Scopul principal al pregătirii specialiştilor la facultatea de stomatologie este formarea ireproşabilă a calităţilor profesionale ale viitorului medic stomatolog. Tot mai riguroase devin cerinţele faţă de stagiul practic, programat pentru studenţii stomatologi la finele trimestrelor VI şi VIII. Studenţii facultăţii de stomatologie a USMF „N.Testemiţanu” capătă experienţa activităţii reale, organizatorice şi educaţionale, sarcinile principale ale stagiului practic fiind consolidarea cunoştinţelor teoretice şi manoperelor practice în diagnosticul şi tratamentul cariei, pulpitei, etc. La finalizarea stagiului practic la catedră se efectuează un colocviu diferenţiat, în cadrul căruia se evaluează îndeplinirea de către student a minimului practic. La sfârşit responsabilii pe stagiul practic de la catedra Stomatologie terapeutică transmit borderourile şi rezultatele colocviului diferenţiat decanatului pe practică, prezentând şi un raport la Consiliul ştiinţific al Facultăţii de stomatologie.en_US
dc.description.abstractSummary. The main aim of training of experts at Stomatologic faculty is irreproachable formation at them professional skills. All more strict become the requirements to practical training, provided for students of stomatologists by the end VI and VIII semester. Students of faculty of stomatology of Medical University "N.Testemiţanu" get the experience of real, managerial and educational work, and the primary goals of practical training are fortification of theoretical knowledge and strengthening of practical skills in diagnostics and treatment of caries, pulpitis etc. On the practice termination on chair do the differentiated oral examination, on which estimate performance by the student of the practical minimum. At the end, the employers of chair of the therapeutic stomatology, responsible for practice, send lists and results of examination in dean's office on practice, and present the report to Scientific council of faculty of stomatology.en_US
dc.description.abstractРезюме. Основная цель подготовки специалистов на стоматологическом факультете является формирование у них безупречных профессиональных навыков. Всё более строгими становятся требования к практической подготовке, предусмотренной для студентов-стоматологов к концу VI и VIII семестра. Студенты факультета стоматологии Медицинского Университета „N.Testemiţanu” получают опыт реальной, организаторской и воспитательной работы, а основными задачами практической подготовки являются укрепление теоретических знаний и практических навыков в диагностике и лечении кариеса, пульпита и т.д. По окончанию практики на кафедре делают дифференцированный зачёт, на котором оценивают выполнение студентом практического минимума. В конце, сотрудники кафедры терапевтической стоматологии, ответственные за практику, передают списки и результаты зачёта в деканат по практике, и представляют доклад Научному Совету стоматологического факультета.
dc.publisherAsociaţia Stomatologilor din Republica Moldova, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu“en_US
dc.relation.ispartofMedicina Stomatologicăen_US
dc.subjectpractical trainingen_US
dc.subjectknowledges /book learning/en_US
dc.subjectpractical skillsen_US
dc.subjectfinal testen_US
dc.titleStagiul clinic practic al studenţilor stomatologi de la finele trimestrelor VI şi VIII - factor important al managementului procesului pedagogic la catedra Stomatologie terapeutică a facultăţii de stomatologie a USMF „N.Testemiţanu”. Concluzii post-stagiu 2010 şi sugestii privind optimizarea acestui sistem de organizare şi de control al cunoştinţelor studenţeşti practiceen_US
dc.title.alternativePractical training of students-stomatologists at the end of VI and VIII semester - an important factor of educational process management on chair of therapeutic stomatology of faculty of Stomatology of Medical University "N.Testemiţanu". Conclusions after summer practice of 2010 and the offer concerning optimization of this system of the organization and control of practical knowledge of studentsen_US
Appears in Collections:Medicina Stomatologică 2010/ Nr. 4(17)

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