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dc.contributor.authorКушнир, А.С.
dc.contributor.authorКырлиг, В.А.
dc.contributor.authorТритиченко, И.А.
dc.contributor.authorТритиченко, В.А.
dc.contributor.authorОжован, А.Г.
dc.identifier.citationКУШНИР, А.С., КЫРЛИГ, В.А., ТРИТИЧЕНКО, И.А., et al. Поражение органов полости рта при красной волчанке. In: Medicina stomatologică. 2009, Nr. 2(11), pp. 32-35. ISSN 1857-1328.en_US
dc.identifier.issnISSN 1857-1328
dc.description.abstractRezumat. Afectarea organelor bucale de lupus erythematosus In practica medicului–stomatolog se intilnesc cazuri de afectare a organelor cavitatii bucale cu lupus erythematosus. Diagnosticul acestei boli este destul de complicat, mai ales cind este insotita de candidoza. In lucrare sunt descrise 14 cazuri a lupus erythematosus cu afectarea organelor bucale. Sunt prezentate diagnosticul si diagnosticul diferential a manifestarii lupus erythematosus.en_US
dc.description.abstractSummary. The affection of members of mouth cavity with lupus erythematosus There’re many cases of affection of members of mouth cavity in dentist’s practice. The diagnostics of this disease is rather difficult especially when it’s accompanied by candidiasis. In this work there’re described 14 cases of lupus erythematosus with affection of members of mouth cavity. Here is diagnostics and differential diagnostics of lupus erythematosus’ presentation.en_US
dc.publisherAsociaţia Stomatologilor din Republica Moldova, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu“en_US
dc.relation.ispartofMedicina Stomatologicăen_US
dc.titleПоражение органов полости рта при красной волчанкеen_US
dc.title.alternativeAfectarea organelor bucale de lupus erythematosusen_US
dc.title.alternativeThe affection of members of mouth cavity with lupus erythematosusen_US
Appears in Collections:Medicina Stomatologică 2009/ Nr. 2(11)

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