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dc.contributor.authorCervinski, Irina
dc.contributor.authorBobu, Ana
dc.contributor.authorDragan, Tatiana
dc.contributor.authorŞciuca, Svetlana
dc.contributor.authorSelevestru, Rodica
dc.contributor.authorDonos, Ala
dc.identifier.citationCERVINSKI, Irina, BOBU, Ana et al. Imunitatea umorală in pneumoniile comunitare asociate cu manifestări bronhoobstructive la copii. In: Anale Științifice ale IP USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”. Ed. a 14-a. Chișinău: CEP Medicina, 2013, vol. 5: Probleme actuale ale sănătăţii mamei şi copilului, pp. 258-261en_US
dc.descriptionDepartamentul pediatrie, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”en_US
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the study was to evaluate the humoral immune status in children with bronchial obstruction syndrome associated with pneumonia. The main group consisted of 200 children with pneumonia and wheezing, the control group included 40 children considered healthy. The increase in IgM concentration in children with pneumonia and wheezing than those considered healthy, causes an immune reation more expressed to them, but not efficient enough for qualitative solving infectious process. In these children with bronchial obstruction the syndrome associated with pneumonia was confirmed by infectious mechanisms involving severe allergic marked by immunopathological mechanisms, exaggerated hyperimmunoglobulinemia E of immunocomplex type. Scopul studiului a fost de a evalua statusul imun umoral la copiii cu pneumonie asociată sindromului bronhoobstructiv. Lotul de bază alcătuit din 200 copii cu pneumonie şi wheezing, lotul de control a inclus 40 de copii consideraţi sănătoşi. Majorarea concentratiei IgM la copiii cu pneumonie şi cu wheezing faţă de cei consideraţi sănătoşi, determină la ei o reacţie imună mai exprimată, dar nu suficient de eficientă pentru o solutionare calitativă a procesului infecţios. La aceşti copii cu pneumonie asociată sindromului bronhoobstructiv a fost confirmată implicarea mecanismelor infecţios-alergice severe marcate prin hiperimunoglobulinemie E şi mecanisme imunopatologice exagerate de tip imunocomplex.en_US
dc.publisherCEP "Medicina"en_US
dc.subject.meshImmunity, Humoralen_US
dc.subject.meshPneumonia - immunologyen_US
dc.subject.meshAirway Obstructionen_US
dc.titleImunitatea umorală in pneumoniile comunitare asociate cu manifestări bronhoobstructive la copiien_US
dc.title.alternativeHumoral immunity in community-acquired pneumonia associated with manifestations of bronchial obstruction in childrenen_US
Appears in Collections:Pediatrie

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