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DC FieldValueLanguage
dc.contributor.authorBuzu, Dumitru
dc.contributor.authorVacarciuc, Ion
dc.contributor.authorUrsu, Sergiu
dc.identifier.citationBUZU, Dumitru, VACARCIUC, Ion, URSU, Sergiu. Tratamentul chirurgical al luxaţiilor şi fracturilor – luxaţii ale oaselor carpiene. In: Sanătate Publică, Economie și Management în Medicină, Chișinău, 2012, nr.3(42), pp.86-89en_US
dc.descriptionIMSP Spitalul Clinic de Traumatologie şi Ortopedieen_US
dc.description.abstract43 patients with dislocation and dislocation – fracture of carpal bones were treated. There were 22 pacients with acute injuries and 21 patients with old ones. In 37,2 % of cases injuries of carpal bones were combined with fractures of otculiarites bones forming wrist joint. In 41.9% of cases neurologic defi cit was detected. In acute trauma close manual reduction was indicated. In old injuries two – spet treatment was recommended. Good an satisfactory result were achieved in 90,3 % of cases.en_US
dc.description.abstractВ работе излагаются результаты лечения 43 больных с вывихами и переломо-вывихами костей запястья: у 22 из них были свежие повреждения, у 21 – застарелые повреждения (от 2-х недель и более). Хорошие и удовлетворительные результаты достигнуты в 28 (90,3%) случаях.
dc.publisherSănătate Publică, Economie şi Management în Medicinăen_US
dc.titleTratamentul chirurgical al luxaţiilor şi fracturilor-luxaţii ale oaselor carpieneen_US
dc.title.alternativeTreatment of Dislocations and Disclocations-Fractures of Carpal boneen_US
dc.title.alternativeЛечение вывихов и переломо-вывихов костей запястьяen_US
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