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Institutional Repository in Medical Sciences
of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy
of the Republic of Moldova
(IRMS – Nicolae Testemitanu SUMPh)

Biblioteca Stiintifica Medicala

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 16 of 16
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Vaccination should be everyone's business: Challenges in vaccinating pregnant women against influenza in the Republic of MoldovaShen, Angela K.; Gutu, Veaceslav; Druc, Alina; Capcelea, Angela; Ebama, Malembe; Adams, Brittany; Belayneh, Asalif; Valleau, Molly; Paraschiv, Angela
2024Aspecte epidemiologice a gripei și infecțiilor respiratorii acute în rândul copiilor din Republica Moldova, 2020-2023Druc, Alina; Apostol, Mariana; Donos, Ala
2016Morbidity assessment through influenza and flu vaccination in the Republic of Moldova during the period 2007–2015Grumeza, Maria; Druc, Alina
2017Evaluarea supravegherii clinico-epidemiologice şi virusologice la gripă, IACRS şi SARI în sezonul 2016-2017 în Republica MoldovaDruc, Alina
2021Comparative analysis of the evolution of influenza, ARI, SARI and COVID-19for the 2019/2020 – 2020/2021 seasons in the Republic of MoldovaDruc, Alina
2017Infecțiile nosocomiale cu Staphylococcus meticilino-rezistent: situația epidemiogenă la zi, soluțiiPrisacari, Viorel; Buga, Diana; Berdeu, Ion
2014Структура и антибиотикорезистентность возбудителей гнойно-септических инфекций в стационарах травматологического профиля.Присакарь, В. И.; Спэтару, Д. Ю.
2015Чувствительность возбудителей внутрибольничных гнойно-септических инфекций к дезинфицирующим средствам.Присакарь, В. И.; Спэтару, Д. Ю.
2014Peculiarities of etiological structure of the septic-purulent infections in the patients with orthopedic trauma hospitalsSpătaru, Diana
2017Particularities of the etiological structure of nosocomial infections in hospitals of orthopedics and traumatology profile.Spătaru, Diana; Prisacari, Viorel
2016Rezultatele studiului de evaluare a antibioticorezistenţei microbiene în condiţiile Republicii MoldovaPrisacari, Viorel; Berdeu, Ion; Spataru, Diana; Nastas, Aliona
2013Antibioticorezistenta/sensibilitatea in infectiile septico-purulente nosocomiale de profil ortopedo-traumatologicPrisacari, Viorel; Spataru, Diana
2014Возбудители гнойно-септических инфекций в стационарах ортопедо-травматологического профиляПрисакарь, В. И.; Спэтару, Д. IO.
2017Microbial antibiotic resistance in septic-purulent nosocomial infections of orthopedic and traumatologic origin: descriptive transversal epidemiological study.Spătaru, Diana; Prisacari, Viorel
2017Некоторые характеристики возбудителей внутрибольничных гнойно-септических инфекций на модели травматологических стационаровСпэтару, Д. Ю.
2012Structura agentilor cauzali in infectiile septico-purulente de profil traumatologicSpataru, Diana
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 16 of 16


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