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dc.contributor.authorОпря, В.
dc.contributor.authorГреку, Л.
dc.identifier.citationОПРЯ, В., ГРЕКУ, Л. Венлаксор в лечении аффективных расстройств у больных хроническим алкоголизмом, перенесших алкогольные психозы. In: Curierul Medical. 2009, nr. 6(312), pp. 43-46. ISSN 1875-0666.en_US
dc.descriptionКафедра психиатрии, наркологии и медицинской психологии, Государственный университет медицины и фармации им. Н. А. Тестемицануen_US
dc.description.abstractThis study assesses the therapeutic efficiency of the antidepressant Venlaxor (Venlafaxinum) in the complex treatment of affective disorders of the alcoholics suffering repetitive alcoholic psychosis. Concluded in 2008, the one-year study of two groups of 112 patients, men 25-55 years of age diagnosed with chronic alcoholism of 5-15 years, who were treated in the Psychiatric Clinical Hospital of Chisinau. The study showed the efficiency of Venlaxor in the treatment of affective disorders of alcoholic patients given the daily dose of 75-100 mg taken for periods up to two months. It can be recommended as a first-choice medication in diminishing pathological alcoholic addiction throughout the period of therapeutic remission.en_US
dc.description.abstractA fost evaluat efectul terapeutic al Venlaxorului la pacienţii cu dereglări afective în etilismul cronic, complicat prin psihoze alcoolice repetate. Studiul a cuprins un eşantion constituit din 112 bolnavi – bărbaţi cu vârste de la 25 până la 55 de ani; spitalizaţi în Clinica Psihiatrie, mun. Chişinău. Conform rezultatelor obţinute, Venlaxorul posedă acţiune antidepresivă, la pacienţii care au suportat psihoze alcoolice; este recomandat în doze nictemerale de la 75 până la 150 mg în remisiunile alcoolismului cronic.
dc.publisherThe Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldovaen_US
dc.relation.ispartofCurierul Medical
dc.subjectVenlaxor (Venlafaxinum)en_US
dc.subjectalcoholic psychosisen_US
dc.subject.meshPsychoses, Alcoholic--etiologyen_US
dc.subject.meshPsychoses, Alcoholic--drug therapyen_US
dc.subject.meshAffective Disorders, Psychoticen_US
dc.subject.meshVenlaxor--therapeutic useen_US
dc.titleВенлаксор в лечении аффективных расстройств у больных хроническим алкоголизмом, перенесших алкогольные психозыen_US
dc.title.alternativeThe efficiency of Venlaxor in the clinical treatment of affective disorders of alcoholics
dc.title.alternativeVenlaxor în medicaţia dereglărilor afective în etilismul cronic, complicat prin psihoze alcoolice
Appears in Collections:Curierul Medical, 2009, Vol. 312, Nr. 6

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