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dc.contributor.authorCepoida, Petru
dc.contributor.authorTănase, Adrian
dc.contributor.authorCepoida, Elena
dc.contributor.authorBocancea, Adrian
dc.contributor.authorEvdochimov, Larisa
dc.identifier.citationCEPOIDA, P., TĂNASE, A., CEPOIDA, Elena, et al. Manifestările clinico-radiologice ale osteodistrofiei renale. In: Arta Medica. 2011, nr. 2(45), pp. 255-258. ISSN 1810-1852.en_US
dc.descriptionCentrul Dializă şi Transplant Renal IMSP Spitalul Clinic Republican, Catedra Urologie şi Nefrologie Chirurgicală USMF “N.Testemiţanu”, Al V-lea Congres de Urologie, Dializă şi Transplant Renal din Republica Moldova cu participare internaţională (1-13 iunie 2011)en_US
dc.description.abstractSummary. Pathologic modifications caused by renal osteodistrophy are various and are diagnosed both in bones and joints as well as in other organs. Clinical examination in such cases should be supplemented by x ray investigation, that helps to determine the character and severity of phosphorus and calcium metabolism disturbances. The large majority of patients show simultaneous development of osteosclerotic and osteopenic foci in different bones, which are relatively frequently associated with calcium deposits formation in soft tissues, internal organs and vascular wall.en_US
dc.publisherAsociaţia chirurgilor “Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldovaen_US
dc.subject.meshChronic kidney disease-Mineral and bone disorder - diagnostic imagingen_US
dc.subject.meshKidney transplantation--adverse effectsen_US
dc.subject.meshRenal dialysis--adverse effectsen_US
dc.titleManifestările clinico-radiologice ale osteodistrofiei renaleen_US
dc.title.alternativeClinical and radiological manifestations of renal osteodystrophyen_US
Appears in Collections:Arta Medica Vol. 45 No.2, 2011 ediţie specială

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