Show simple item record Zorina, Zinovia Catereniuc, Ilia Babuci, Angela Botnaru, Doina 2020-12-06T21:15:54Z 2020-12-06T21:15:54Z 2020-10
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9975-57-281-1
dc.description Catedra de anatomie și anatomie clinică, USMF ”Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chișinău, Moldova, Conferința Ştiinţifică Internaţională ”Probleme actuale ale morfologiei” dedicată celor 75 de ani de la fondarea Universităţii de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie Nicolae Testemiţanu, Chişinău, 30-31 octombrie 2020 en_US
dc.description.abstract Abstract Background: The considerable progress in recent decades in the fields of imaging and vascular surgery and increasing demand for diagnosis and surgical procedures, requires a constant review of the data on morphological variants of the upper limb arteries. The aim of our research was to study the individual variability of the axillary region arteries, according to gender, age and side of the body. Material and methods: This is a retrospective and descriptive study. The variability of arterial architectonics of the axillary region arteries was studied on 210 upper limb angiographies. The analysis of the angiographies of the upper limb arteries was done with the aim to transfer the anatomy of the axillary region arteries from the virtual model to the real one, in order to identify their variability according to gender and side of the body, based on the following criteria: origin, course, numerical variations, branching, etc. Results: The variability of the axillary region arteries was established in 62 patients (29,52%), among which 36 (17,14%) were males, and 26 (12,38%) – females. Variants of origin of the axillary region arteries were revealed in 4,76%, numerical variants were identified in 9,53%, and presence of the common trunks – in 21,43%. The common trunks were variable on both criteria formation and branching. Conclusions: The most variable branch of the axillary artery was the posterior circumflex humeral artery, followed by variations of the lateral thoracic and subscapular arteries. en_US
dc.language.iso ro en_US
dc.publisher Probleme actuale ale morfologiei: Materialele Conferinţei ştiinţifice internaţionale en_US
dc.subject axilla en_US
dc.subject anatomical variants en_US
dc.subject variability en_US
dc.title Aspectul variaţional al arterelor axilei en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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    Materialele Conferinţei Ştiinţifice Internaţionale ”Probleme actuale ale morfologiei” dedicate celor 75 de ani de la fondarea Universităţii de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie Nicolae Testemiţanu, Chişinău, 30-31 octombrie 2020

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