Recent Submissions

  • Bacinschi-Gheorghița, Stela; Vudu, Lorina; Borş, Elena; Bacinschi, Nicolae (MedicHub, 2023)
    The obesity epidemic is one of society’s most urgent public health concerns. Significant scientific efforts and researches are directed to the elucidation of its complex physiopathology, as well as the clinical management ...
  • Bacinschi, Nicolae; Vudu, Lorina; Tofan, Nionela; Bacinschi, Aurelia; Bacinschi-Gheorghița, Stela (MedicHub, 2021)
    Metformin, in conjunction with its antihyperglycemic effect, which in itself reduces the susceptibility to various infections and the severity of the disease, may provide protection to patients with COVID-19 through its ...