Culegere de lucrări Conferința 3-a de Urologie, Conferința 2-a de Nefrologie: Dializa și Transplant Renal din Republica Moldova (30 - 31 octombie 2002): Recent submissions

  • Mocialov, O.; Panteleenco, N.; Luchianciuk, V.; Sasu, B. (Societatea Urologilor din Republica Moldova, 2002)
    Summary Concluding, it is necessary to make clinical testing and examination of patient in order to reveal the urogenital infections: chlamidiosis, mycoplasmosis, herpes, trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis,. mycotics, as ...
  • Juc, V.; Popa, S.; Ganea, N. (Societatea Urologilor din Republica Moldova, 2002)
    Summary The objective of this investigation was to estimate the role of the urogenital infection for Reactive Arthritis (ReA), clinical features, the aspects of treatment, evolution and prognostic. Was demonstrated the ...
  • Nastas, A.; Baliţkii, E. (Societatea Urologilor din Republica Moldova, 2002)
    Summary It was examinat by cytomorphological method 550 men with signs urogenital infections. Parallel, it was performed 237 the AND - test. Was developed high spread trihomonial infections at acut and subacut uretritis, ...
  • Ieşeanu, C. (Societatea Urologilor din Republica Moldova, 2002)
    Summary Acute non-obstructive renal diseases make up 3,5% from the total number of patients of the Department of Urology, the Municipal Clinical Hospital «Sf. Treime». Women prevail with 79,8% of the cases. There is a ...
  • Донич, В. М. (Societatea Urologilor din Republica Moldova, 2002)
    Summary This medical work is showing the treatment of 79 patients, with chronic prostatitis using a method of rectal hyperthermia with mycroclismes. Rate of success was 71-100% depending on etyological factors. This ...
  • Captari, V.; Custorov, V.; Cibotari, V.; Pogonea, S.; Bragaru, A.; Donţu, l.; Vasiliev, E. (Societatea Urologilor din Republica Moldova, 2002)
    Summary The surgical tactics includes in one stage the operation an the urogenital organs and the osteosynthesis of the pelvic fractures and ensures completelly prophylactic measures at the urinary infection and ...
  • Captari, V.; Ignatenco, S.; Cibotaru, V.; Vasiliev, E.; Donfu, I.; Bragaru, A.; Pogonea, S. (Societatea Urologilor din Republica Moldova, 2002)
    Flegmona ideopatică a scrotului (sinonime: gangrenă scrotală fulminantă, boală Fournier, celulită scrotală) a fost relatată pentru prima dată în 1883 de savantul francez Jean Alfred Fournier, în cinstrea căruia a şi fost ...
  • Nani, V.A.; Nani, V.V. (Societatea Urologilor din Republica Moldova, 2002)
    Summary During the year 2001 in District Hospital Camenca were made 50 microbiological examinations of the urine to the urological patients. Flora staphylococcal prevails in 58 % then E. colli in 40 %. Antibacterial ...
  • Milici, I.; Dumbraveanu, I.; Lupaşco, C.; Popov, M.; Strugenco, A.; Tanase, A. (Societatea Urologilor din Republica Moldova, 2002)
    Summary Pyelonefritis in pregnancy is a complicated condition with no clear evolution and not very good prognosis both the mother and the foetus. 35 pregnant patients were evaluated with ptyelonefritis. In all patients ...
  • Dumbraveanu, I.; Tanase, A.; Lupaşco, C.; Popov, M.; Romanciuc, Gr.; Punga, V. (Societatea Urologilor din Republica Moldova, 2002)
    Summary UTI is one major problem in the medicine. In treatment of UTI multiple therapeutic schemes are folowed. 32 patients with acute and cronic UTI were treated using antibacterial monoterapy with Abactal (LEK ...
  • Popov, M.; Dumbrăveanu, I.; Ţurcan, R.; Gorbatovschi, V.; Mitici, I.; Ureche, C.; Scutaru, V.; Ghicavîi, V.; Tănase, A. (Societatea Urologilor din Republica Moldova, 2002)
    Summary In o group of 212 patients we analyzed the causes of the increasing incidence of purulent acute pielonephritis in the last 3 years. We discovered that the incidence increased as a result of a dilated addressing ...

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