ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) reprezintă forma cea mai severă de insufi ciență respiratorie hipoxemică și una din marile provocări terapeutice pentru specialistul de anestezie-terapie intensivă, cu costuri fabuloase, eforturi enorme, deseori cu evoluție letală
ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) is the most severe form of hypoxemic respiratory failure and one of the great therapeutic challenges for anesthesia-intensive care specialist, with fabulous costs, enormous efforts, often with lethal development.
ОРДС (острый респираторный дистресс-синдром) является наиболее тяжелой формой гипоксической дыхательной недостаточности и одной из самых важных проблем в интенсивной терапии, с большими затратами, огромными усилиями, часто со смертельным исходом.
ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) is the most severe form of hypoxemic respiratory failure and one of the great therapeutic challenges for anesthesia-intensive care specialist, with fabulous costs, enormous efforts, often with lethal development.