It is, that patients and medical staff haemodialysis department are group of risk hepatitis contaminations serum on tokens of a virus hepatitis of 80 patiens (from them 42 - men, and 38 - women)
and 29 - medical staff of haemodialysis section was investigated. The results of investigation show,
that during the process of haemodialysis the contamination by a virus hepatitis C take place in 81,3%
and HBsAg-in 16,3% of cases. A considerable part of them are infected by mixt-infection. Medical
staff during their professional work infected with the virus hepatitis C in 20,7% of cases, and by virus
hepatitis В in 65,5 % of cases. It is recommended the realization of the non-specific guidelines and
also bacterination against the hepatitis В as patients, and medical staff.