Abstract. The modern approaches of functional assessment of the hand in rheumatoid arthritis
A frequent complication of rheumatoid diseases is hand dysfunction. The therapeutic
approach should be comprehensive and multidisciplinary, since this disease mostly affects socially
active individuals. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the examination of patients
with functional disorders should not to be based solely on segmental lesions. Approach to structural
violations through the prism of all aspects of human life: the daily functional activities, educational
and functional activities of these patients will allow them to more effectively reintegrate in society.
Adaptation to loss of function requires a functional and psychosocial reorganization by the
patient and his environment. An analysis of this multidimensional process can be done through the use
of scales to assess the quality of life. Testing the quality of life in patients should be focused on
physical, functional and mental health with involvement in social life. Based on the analysis of
literature sources on the evaluation of the quality of life of patients with hand dysfunction, the most
effective scales were specific, in comparison with common species.
II International Scientific Conference ”Topical problems of modern science”, June 16, 2017, Warsaw, Poland, Республика Молдова, Государственный медицинский и фармацевтический университет имени Николае Тестемицану, кафедра Медицинской Реабилитации и Физиотерапии