Радиологическое исследование имеет сущственное роль в диагностики рака гортани. Полученная информация имеет важное, иногда определяющее, значение в определении тактики лечения, обьёма хирургического лечения, показания к органосохранящим операциям, возможностей реабилитации больных раком гортани. Развитие новых технологий в рентгенологической диагностики опухолевых образовании требуют проведение клинических исследований для определения и оценки новых возможностей диагностики, в том числе и при такой сложной патологии как рак гортани.
Diagnosticul imagistic în cancerul de laringe, incontestabil, joacă un rol important în ceea ce privește tactica de tratament, chirurgia organomenajantă și reabilitarea pacientului. Tehnologiile de diagnostic imagistic, atât în oncologie cât și în alte sfere ale medicinii, au demonstrat un progres semnificativ, permițând de a oferi date mult mai precise despre procesul patologic și în rezultat un tratament mai eficient. Cu toate acestea, datele literaturii nu oferă informații despre diagnosticul cancerului de laringe prin metoda tomosintezei.
The imaging exam plays an important role in the diagnosis of larynx cancer. The information obtained may be of decisive importance in determining the treatment tactics, the volume of surgery, the indications for the con-servative treatment of the organ, the possibilities of rehabilitation of the patients with larynx cancer. The development of imaging techniques has had a spectacular breakthrough in the last few decades and diffi cult to imagine its perspectives. This, in turn, requires new clinical research with the evaluation of contemporary diagnostic methods, including such complicated pathology as larynx cancer. Although, as mentioned in the literature, tomosynthesis has advantages in the diagnosis of pathology, in literature we have not found any data on the possibilities and results of the use of tomosynthesis in the diagnosis of larynx cancer.