Therapeutic contact lenses (TCL) are special contact lenses used for the treatment of ocular surface
The aim of this study is to show our experience in using TCL in different diseases of ocular
We used TCL in the treatment of:
- Medical diseases:
Conjunctival diseases:
Ocular pemphigoid, Stevens Johnson syndrome
Corneal diseases:
epithelial-superficial punctate keratitis, filamentary keratopathy, keratitis sicca,
corneal abrasion, recurrent corneal erosion, corneo-conjunctival burns
stromal: profound corneal sterile ulcerations;
endothelial: aphakic/ pseudophakic bullous keratopathy, Fuchs’ endothelial
- Surgical diseases:
small penetrating corneal wounds
large corneal wounds without endoocular membrane issue until suture
aphakic and pseudophakic bullous keratopathy;
large filtration bulla after trabeculectomy with athalamia;
pterigyum surgery.
cataract surgery
after photorefractive keratectomy for antialgic effect and restoration of binocularity
We used TCL for next purposes: pain relief, improving corneal re-epithelization, tectonic effect,
permitting binocular vision
TCL are offering great benefits in ocular surface pathology.
Reducing pain, avoiding ocular patch, restoring binocularity, TCL improve the quality of life for
our patient with ocular disorders.