Alice in Wonderland Syndrome is a perceptual disorder, involving visual and somesthetic
integration, described by Lewis Carroll in Alice in Wonderland book. Alice in Wonderland
syndrome is a disorder characterized by transient episodes of visual hallucinations and perceptual
distortions, during which objects or body parts are perceived as metamorphopsia, macropsia or
micropsia, distortions of body image, and perceptual distortions of form, size, movement or color.
Migraine aura is a transient neurological symptom that occurs before the headache phase. Aura
symptoms include the perception of flashing lights that begin in the center of vision and expand in
jagged patterns out into the periphery, may also involve a profound alteration of the perception of
space and time - the "Alice in Wonderland" syndrome. We present cases of 4 children that had
Alice in Wonderland syndrome as aura of migraine.