dc.identifier.citation |
VOLKOVA, Alina V., KORZH, Iullia V., KUBARIEVA, Inna V., TERESHCHENKO, Lubovi V. Aspects of awareness of the population of different countries on cervical cancer prevention. In: "Direcții de reformare a sistemului farmaceutic din perspectiva cursului european al Republicii Moldova”: mater. conf. șt.-pract. cu particip. internaț., ed. a 2-a, Chișinău, 28 aprilie 2023. Chişinău, 2023, pp. 71-74. ISBN 978-5-88554-205-0. |
en_US |
dc.description.abstract |
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2020, 604,000
new cases of morbidity and 342,000 deaths from cervical cancer (CC)
were registered. The vast majority (over 95%) of cases of cervical cancer
are caused by the sexually transmitted human papillomavirus (HPV).
According to the recommendations of the WHO, vaccination against
HPV is the single most effective measure that reduces the risk of
developing cervical cancer (CC) and other associated diseases. An
important component of this approach is informing the population
about the importance of vaccination against the papillomavirus as a
method of primary prevention of cervical cancer.
The aim of the study is to investigate the awareness of the
population about vaccination for the prevention of cervical cancer in
the world practice.
The research materials included scientific publications,
recommendations, statistical data, epidemiological indicators, results
of a questionnaire survey of the population on the issue of vaccination
against HPV and prevention of CC, which was conducted in January-
February 2023 in Ukraine. In the process of data analysis, the following
methods were used: system analysis, document analysis, comparison, generalization, sociological (questionnaire survey), mathematical and
statistical methods of data processing.
In order to determine the current state of vaccination against HPV,
an analysis of the National Immunization Schedules was conducted in
countries around the world. It was found that as of 2021, the HPV
vaccine was included in the National Immunization Schedule in less than
25% of low-income countries and less than 30% countries with belowaverage
income, but in more than 85% of high-income countries. In
countries where HPV vaccination is widely used, the incidence rates
show a decrease in the frequency of developing CC. According to the
analysis results, it has been determined that HPV vaccines are
mandatory in Great Britain, the United States and Germany. The
implementation of mandatory vaccination in these countries
contributes to the reduction of morbidity and mortality rates. In
Ukraine, the HPV vaccine is not included in the National Immunization
Calendar, but it is recommended.
To determine the level of public awareness of the issue of cervical
cancer prevention, we developed a questionnaire and conducted a pilot
survey of the population of Ukraine, in particular, the Kharkiv region. As
a result of the survey, 352 valid questionnaires were selected, with
answers to 100% of the questions.
The results regarding the number of vaccinated individuals are
noteworthy. Only 5,1% of surveyed are vaccinated, 77,3% are not
vaccinated, and only 17,6% plan to get vaccinated.
In our opinion, the survey results regarding factors influencing
readiness to vaccinate against the human papillomavirus are of
particular importance. It has been found that insufficient confidence in
the vaccine's effectiveness and safety is the biggest barrier to
vaccination (65.3%), which may indicate a low level of trust in the healthcare system. Also, one of the important factors affecting
readiness to vaccinate is awareness of vaccination and assessment of
risks, advantages and disadvantages (58,5%).
It should be noted that 34,1% of respondents are sufficiently
informed about the human papillomavirus, the importance of
vaccination against HPV, while 65,9% require this information. In
response to the question: "What information about HPV vaccination
would you like to receive?" the most common answers among the
population are vaccine effectiveness (66,5%), side effects (64,2%),
indications (55,1%) and contraindications to vaccination (58,0%)
Conclusions. According to the results of the conducted research,
modern approaches to the prevention and treatment of СС has been
considered in different countries of the world. Insufficient level of
public awareness has been identified regarding vaccination against
human papillomavirus and prevention of cervical cancer. |
en_US |
dc.relation.ispartof |
Conferința științifico-practică cu participare internațională ”Direcții de reformare a sistemului farmaceutic din perspectiva cursului european al Republicii Moldova” dedicată memoriei lui Vasile Procopișin – Patriarhul farmaciei Moldave, doctor habilitat în științe farmaceutice, profesor universitar, m.c. al AȘM și Nadejdei Ciobanu – doctor în științe farmaceutice, conferențiar universitar, Ediția a 2-a, 28 aprilie 2023, Chișinău, Republica Moldova |
en_US |