Institutional Repository in Medical Sciences
(IRMS – Nicolae Testemițanu SUMPh)

CUP:D87D20000020009 / Strengthening epidemiological surveillance capacity to address COVID-19 and other epidemics

Show simple item record Groppa, Stanislav 2024-03-09T13:39:08Z 2024-03-09T13:39:08Z 2021
dc.description.abstract Specific objective: Enhancing the domestic research capacities in detection and surveillance of SARSCov-2, contributing to the establishment of a permanent infrastructure for the surveillance of coronaviruses and other human viruses. Direct and indirect beneficiaries: D: 5 researchers directly involved in the project, from which two are from SUMPh. I: Moldova research community, authorities (Ministry of health, labor and social protection, National Agency for Public Health) and national healthcare system, staff of the Microbiology and Immunology Department and Epidemiology Department of SUMPh. en_US
dc.subject epidemiological en_US
dc.subject COVID-19 en_US
dc.subject detection en_US
dc.subject SARS-Cov-2 en_US
dc.title CUP:D87D20000020009 / Strengthening epidemiological surveillance capacity to address COVID-19 and other epidemics en_US
dc.type Project en_US
local.project.leader Groppa, Stanislav
local.project.investor Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia en_US
local.project.code CUP:D87D20000020009 en_US
local.project.status Finalizat en_US
local.project.startdate 2021-02-21
local.project.enddate 2022-07-31
local.project.coordinatingbody ICGEB Trieste, Italia en_US
local.project.aim Să contribuie la îmbunătățirea capacităților de cercetare și dezvoltare din Moldova, în special în domeniul bolilor infecțioase și al sistemelor de supraveghere a sănătății și crearea premiselor pentru decizii bazate pe dovezi ale autorităților moldovenești în acest domeniu. en_US
local.project.direction Supraveghere epidemiologică – măsuri de control și răspuns, diagnostic și tratament al bolilor transmisibile en_US
local.project.impact Impactul SOCIAL al proiectului. Moldova has a good, albeit small, national research system. Since the beginning, SUMPh has been actively involved in the fight against COVID-19 at the national level, in the treatment of affected patients, in the strategic preparation and response plan, in the development of clinical protocols and in the surveillance of post-COVID recovery. However, in absence of a virological laboratory, SUMPh is not able to fully contribute to the expansion of the SARS-Cov-2 testing capacity in the country, except by delegating highly qualified specialists to COVID-19 testing centres. en_US
local.project.impact . en_US
local.project.impact Impactul ECONOMIC al proiectului. Strengthening the capacity of the Laboratory of Microbiology is intended to both improving efforts in the diagnosis of infectious diseases in emergency situations as well as to solving methodological problems occurring in testing laboratories. en_US
local.project.priority Sănătate en_US
local.project.results Expected results: ER1 - Staff trained in relevant areas ER2 - Local SARS-Cov-2 analysed ER3 - International partnership consolidated Activity description Result en_US
local.project.subdivision Departamentul de medicină preventivă, Disciplina microbiologie en_US Todiraș, Mihail Paraschiv, Angela Ulinici, Mariana Lungu, Ludmila

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  • ICGEB projects
    International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Trieste, Italy

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