Prin metode histologice, histochimice a fost studiată structura patului vascular al plexurilor coroide din ventriculii creierului uman. În rezultatul investigaţiilor au fost stabilite particularităţile tisulare ale rețelei vasculare a plexurilor coroide, care se dezvoltă, cresc şi se maturizează paralel cu dezvoltarea plexului coroid şi a reţelei microcirculatorii.
Our research studied the structure of the vascular system of the choroid plexus in the brain ventricles using histological, histochemical methods. As a result of our research was been established the structural features of the vascular system of the choroid plexus. Note that the vascular system of the choroid plexus is simultaneously developed and matured with the choroid plexus.
Гистологическими и гистохимическими методами было изучено строение и микроциркуляторное русло сосудистых сплетений желудочков головного мозга. В результате исследования установлены особенности тканевой структуры и микроциркуляторного русла, которые развиваются одновременно с развитием сосудистого сплетения и микроциркуляторного русла