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Title: Sindromul de ochi uscat (SOU) – tendinţe contemporane de tratament
Other Titles: Dry eye syndrome (DES) – contemporary treatment approaches
Authors: Cușnir, Valeriu
Dumbrăveanu, Lilia
Didencu, Tatiana
Keywords: Dry Eye Syndromes - drug therapy;Cationorm
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: CEP "Medicina"
Citation: CUŞNIR, Valeriu, DUMBRĂVEANU, Lilia, DIDENCU, Tatiana. Sindromul de ochi uscat (SOU) – tendinţe contemporane de tratament. In: Anale Științifice ale IP USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”. Ed. a 14-a. Chișinău: CEP Medicina, 2013, Vol. 4: Probleme clinico-chirurgicale, pp. 357-360.
Abstract: This article has been developed based on a study over a sample of 20 dry eye patients. According to the treatment method, patients have been divided into two uniform groups. The study aimed at assessing the efficiency of treatment with Cationorm versus the traditional treatment. Being a substitute of tears, the Cationorm emulsion is an efficient preparation that prevents evaporation of tears, stabilizes the tear film, and contributes to corneal re-epithelisation. Articolul este elaborat pe baza unui studiu ce cuprinde 20 pacienţi cu SOU. Conform metodei de tratament pacienţii au fost divizaţi în 2 grupe omogene. Scopul studiului a fost de a studia eficacitatea tratamentului cu Cationorm versus tratamentul tradiţional. Substituentul lacrimei, emulsia, Cationorm este un preparat eficient ce împiedică evaporarea lacrimei, stabilizează pelicula lacrimală, contribuie la epitelizarea corneei.
Appears in Collections:Oftalmologie

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