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Title: О некоторых возможностях улучшения регенеративных процессов роговицы глаза кроликов при её ожогах щёлочью в эксперименте
Other Titles: Some improvement opportunities of regenerative processes of rabbit cornea after experimental alkaline burns
Authors: Herasymyuk, I. E.
Romaniuk, T. I.
Keywords: cornea;burns;alkaline;regeneration
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova
Citation: HERASYMYUK, I., E., ROMANIUK, T., I. О некоторых возможностях улучшения регенеративных процессов роговицы глаза кроликов при её ожогах щёлочью в эксперименте. In: Curierul Medical. 2014, nr. 2(57), pp. 21-24. ISSN 1875-0666.
Abstract: Background: Nowadays peptide bioregulators, stimulating repair processes, accelerating the substitution of necrotizing tissue with fibrous tissue and facilitating active access of young low-differentiated cellular elements between the corneal plates, reprezent a promising way of treating damaged cornea including its chemical burns. A well-known fact is that biological tissues exhibit a similar activity not only due to alive cells but also homogenates and extracts from them. Material and methods: The experiments have been performed on 24 rabbits. Each animal has been subject to a corneal burn with alkali (10% NaOH). Time of exposition for alkali was 10 seconds. To a half of the animals corneal burn correction was done with the help of cryophilic pig skin extract. Beginning with the first day of the experiment the extract of cryophilic pig skin was applied into the conjunctiva sac 1 drop after every 2 hours, during three days. Other 12 rabbits didn’t benefit from the extract correction. Results: The results obtained proved that using cryophilic pig skin extract allowed to improve significantly regeneration processes in cornea tissues after alkali burn. Epithelialization of a damaged area is fulfilled faster and better. It is demonstrated by the increase in the number of epithelial cells and their earlier differentiation as well as the increase of regulation of connective-tissue fibers leading to a more effective improvement of the optical features of the damaged area. Conclusions: It is assumed that this correction method enables the surface epithelium to regenerate due to division and migration of cornea basement epithelial cells as well as transformation and centre-oriented movement of limbus cambial (stem) cells that has already been mentioned in previous publications.
metadata.dc.relation.ispartof: Curierul Medical
ISSN: 1857-0666
Appears in Collections:Curierul Medical, 2014, Vol. 57, Nr. 2

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