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Curierul Medical, 2016, Vol. 59, No 5 Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 11 of 11
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Curierul medical. October 2016, Vol. 59, No 5-
2016Illarion Postolachi to the 80th anniversary since the birthPostolachi, Alexander
2016Osteochondrosis: pathogenetic bioregulatory opportunities of using Discus compositumMartynchuk, Alexandr A.; Popovych, Sergei V.
2016Experience of Rottinger approach in hip replacementFil, Adrian; Hut, Diana
2016Surveillance of quinolone generations in Emergency Medicine InstituteBernaz, Emilian P.
2016Analysis of concomitant diseases of the transtibial amputation of lower limbsTabirta, Alisa; Pascal, Oleg; Raneta, Alexandru; Grom, Tatiana
2016The study of mechanisms of anti-inflammatory activity realization of a new malonic acid derivative – maldianVakhnina, Natalia G.
2016Study of carotid artery changes in patients with ischemic stroke and metabolic syndromeCiobanu, Natalia; Groppa, Stanislav
2016Impact of active tobacco smoking and other associated determinants on tuberculosis evolution and treatment outcomeLesnic, Evelina; Niguleanu, Adriana; Ciobanu, Raisa; Omar, Baidran; Calmic, Varfolomei; Curocichin, Ghenadie
2016Evaluation of Beta-lactam antibacterials and penicillins consumptionBernaz, Emilian P.
2016The prevalence of perioperative complications in patients with obstructive sleep apnea versus without obstructive sleep apneaAmbrosii, Tatiana; Cobilețchi, Sergiu; Corlăteanu, Alexandru; Șandru, Serghei
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 11 of 11


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