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Curierul Medical, 2016, Vol. 59, No 4 Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 11 of 11
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Curierul medical. August 2016, Vol. 59, No 4-
2016The use of medical ozone in dentistryPirgari, Andrei
2016Segregation of tuberculosis patients by social, demographic and economic features on the model of Chisinau city and the role of community supportLesnic, Evelina; Paladi, Carmina; Niguleanu, Adriana; Ciubotaru, Viorica; Sirbu, Petru; Curocichin, Ghenadie
2016Evaluation of Tetracyclines and Aminoglycosides consumptionBernaz, Emilian P.; Vovc, Liviu
2016Comparative clinical study of depigmentation products on facial melasma in Latin womenOrlandi-Jorquera, Cecilia; Moran-Cardenas, María Gabriela; Escobar-Huenchul, Valery Magdalena
2016Novel approaches to the treatment of patients with resistant hypertension: renal sympathetic denervationMoiseeva, Anna
2016Application of medical ozone in the complex treatment of the severe chronic marginal periodontitisPirgari, Andrei
2016Updates in diagnosis and treatment of acute pericarditisGrajdieru, Romeo; Bursacovschi, Daniela; Revenco, Valeriu; Grib, Liviu; Grajdieru, Alexandra; Iacomi, Vladimir
2016Molecular–genetic assay results and clinical, radiological features in patients with pulmonary tuberculosisMalic, Alina
2016The latest developments in cutaneous homeostasisFaure, Philippe
2016Pharmaceutical forms used in the gynecology practiceZnagovan, Alexandru; Melniciuc, Vera; Tibrigan, Victor
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 11 of 11


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