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Title: Stigma and discrimination against Rroma patients in the Romanian healthcare system
Authors: Gramma, Rodica
Enache, Angela
Roman, Gabriel
Pârvu, Andrada
Dumitraș, Silvia
Iov, Cătălin
Ioan, Beatrice
Keywords: Rroma patient;Romanian healthcare system;access;quality;stigmatization and discrimination
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Lumen Publishing House
Citation: GRAMMA, Rodica, ENACHE, Angela, ROMAN, Gabriel, et al. Stigma and discrimination against Rroma patients in the Romanian healthcare system. In: Postmodern Openings Journal. 2013, nr. 4(4), pp. 51-65. ISSN 2068–0236.
Abstract: Abstract. Stereotyping is a phenomenon often met in society and it is manifested by stigmatization and discrimination. This phenomenon gains a deeply negative character when it is manifested in providing healthcare to some groups of people, races, and ethnicities. This paper is based on data obtained during a qualitative research aimed to correlate the necessity of the end-of-life care of a Rroma patient with Rroma traditions and the existing politics and services in the Romanian healthcare system. Our research was based on 48 interviews, conducted on chronic ill persons and caregivers, in Rroma communities from two regions of Romania (Cluj and Iaşi). During our study we found out that existing stigmatization of Rroma people at the level of general society, has an important impact on the access to and quality of the health services. All these have a significant influence on the dignity of the Rroma patients and finally represent a serious violation of human rights, in particular of the right to non-discrimination.
metadata.dc.relation.ispartof: Postmodern Openings Journal
ISSN: 2068–0236
Appears in Collections:ARTICOLE ȘTIINȚIFICE

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