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Title: Biological methods of deep caries treatment in permanent teeth: Summary of the Doctoral Thesis in Medical Sciences: 323.01 - Stomatology
Authors: Trifan, Diana
Keywords: deep dental caries;pulp-dentine complex;pulp capping;calcium hydroxide;mineral trioxide aggregate;tricalcium silicate;dentine bridge
Issue Date: 2024
Abstract: Relevance and importance of the topic. Dental caries remains the most widespread pathology of the dental system worldwide and is the main cause of tooth loss. According to World Health Organization (WHO) statistics from 2022, the European region had the highest prevalence of caries in permanent teeth among all 6 WHO regions - 33.6% of the population, which constitutes almost 335 million cases. According to WHO data, 8 out of 10 Moldovan adults suffer from tooth decay [14]. A study carried out in 2018 in the Republic of Moldova, among rural and urban schoolchildren found a caries prevalence index of 87.4% at the age of 6 years, 77.53% % at the age of 12 years, 86.2% at the age of 15 years [1]. According to Cartaleanu A. (2006), the share of deep dental caries constitutes 23% of all caries, and the complications arising from the evolution of deep caries are determined by the extension of the inflammatory process in the pulp. This inflammatory process can be reversible with appropriate conservative treatment, or it can be irreversible and will require endodontic treatment. Therefore, tooth decay continues to represent a complex problem both from a medical and social point of view.[...]

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