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Title: Implant-prosthetic rehabilitation of patients with severe atrophies in the lateral areas of the superior jaw: Summary of the Doctoral Thesis in Medical Sciences: Discipline 323.01 - Stomatology
Authors: Dabija, Ion
Keywords: severe atrophy;lateral sinus lifting;dental implants;mini plates;titanium mesh
Issue Date: 2024
Abstract: The relevance and importance of the addressed issue. Recently, the indications for the use of dental implants have been expanded, and the proportion of implant-supported prostheses in the prosthetic rehabilitation of patients has increased considerably. Although dental services, including dental implantology, have evolved rapidly in recent decades, remarkable successes have been achieved in the application of innovative surgical techniques and procedures [35] for the rehabilitation of patients with various edentulous conditions, including those with disabilities [53], there are still many controversial and debatable aspects that require further research. Disputes concern the application of minimally invasive procedures in oral implantology [8, 16, 28, 36] and the methods and conditions for installing dental implants in patients with severe atrophies in the lateral areas of the superior jaw [108]. Thus, certain anatomic-physiological conditions may eventually influence the performance of surgical interventions and, therefore, compromise the tissue integration of dental implants. [...]

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