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dc.contributor.authorNarayanappa, Poorvika-
dc.identifier.citationNARAYANAPPA, Poorvika. Robotic surgery. In: Revista de Ştiinţe ale Sănătăţii din Moldova = Moldovan Journal of Health Sciences. 2024, vol. 11(3), an. 2, p. 508. ISSN 2345-1467.en_US
dc.description.abstractBackground. Robotic Surgery (RS), being one of the greatest and novel advancement of the 21st century shows significant promise and a wider range of implications than one could imagine. By improving accuracy and skill, this nascent technology empowers surgeons to perform procedures previously deemed inappropriate for minimally invasive methods. Objective of the study. This literature review aims to highlight the applications, advantages, limitations, and future potential of robotic surgery, with a focus on the da Vinci surgical system. Material and methods. A comprehensive review of the impact of the da Vinci system, and the broader implications of robotic surgery using full text articles on PubMed, Google Scholar and several other journals. Results. The Da Vinci system provides surgeons with advanced instruments, controlled via a console for precise, real-time manipulation and includes surgeon cart, patient cart, and vision cart. It translates hand movements into intricate instrument actions with enhanced range and 3D high-definition visualization. RS offers to reduce hand tremors, enhance maneuverability and reduce errors significantly. This advancement contributes to a decrease in surgical complications like infections, reduced discomfort, minimized blood loss, shorter hospitalization periods, faster recuperation, and smaller, less conspicuous scars. Despite its rapid development, RS technology faces several limitations, the main one being cost-effectiveness. Conclusion. RS has established safety and favorable outcomes, but the lack of trials comparing robotic-assisted procedures with laparoscopic or open techniques remains a gap. Emerging technologies like virtual reality, haptics, and telemonitoring can complement surgical robots for skill simulation and assessment.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu” din Republica Moldovaen_US
dc.relation.ispartofRevista de Științe ale Sănătății din Moldova = Moldovan Journal of Health Sciences: Conferinţa ştiinţifică anuală "Cercetarea în biomedicină și sănătate: calitate, excelență și performanță", 16-18 octombrie, 2024en_US
dc.subjectda Vinci systemen_US
dc.titleRobotic surgeryen_US
Appears in Collections:Revista de Științe ale Sănătății din Moldova : Moldovan Journal of Health Sciences 2024 Vol. 11, Issue 2

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