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Revista de Științe ale Sănătății din Moldova : Moldovan Journal of Health Sciences 2024 Vol. 11, Issue 2 Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 934
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Rolul deacetilării proteice în autofagie și longevitateȚarălungă, Constantin; Sardari, Veronica; Munteanu, Roman
2024Caracteristica clinică și funcțională a profilului de emergență în tratamentul implanto-proteticRusu, Vasile; Solomon, Oleg; Oineagra, Vadim; Gobjila, Valeriu; Rusu, Andrei; Moisei, Mihail
2024Factori genetici implicați în dezvoltarea cardiomiopatiei ischemiceMoglan, Iulia
2024Analiza etiologică a tulburărilor de dezvoltare oro-maxilo-facială la copiiVulpe, Iulia
2024Drug induced hemolytic anemiaSandeep, Rhea Sannidhi
2024Technological innovations of ENCODE project and future perspectivesVijayakumar, Anaswara Kuzhipurayidathil; Badan, Liliana
2024Examenul pacientului cu patologie facială în condiții de ambulatoriuGurschii, Evelina; Felendiuc, Jana; Hîțu, Dumitru
2024Conservative treatment in management of pelvic injuriesSunilkumar, Sandra; Kusturova, Anna
2024Scaphoid fractures: classification, diagnosis, treatmentLamia, Saraf Rajeena; Iacubițchii, Vitalie
2024Tissue expansion therapy in patients with post-burn scarsLouka, George
2024Particulars of surgical treatment of tibial plateau fracturesAfsal, Mohammed
2024Clinical and functional assessment in the rehabilitation of the patient with chronic musculoskeletal painPriya, Thobias; Tăbîrță, Alisa
2024Rehabilitation of post traumatic limb consequencesShaji, Ardra; Tăbîrță, Alisa
2024Hepatic sarcoidosis: clinical and diagnostic aspectsAmrutha, Sivakumar
2024Primary sclerosing cholangitis: diagnostic and treatment approachGeevarghese, Mathew
2024The role of the gut health in the onset and progression of Alzheimer’s diseaseAbdu Rahiman, Noora; Bugai, Rodica
2024Changes in the incidence of amyloidosis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis during the last 3 decadesAthulya Raj, Konnottil Pandrayil
2024Diagnostic challenges in local allergic rhinitisWejden, Slatnia
2024Pneumonia caused by parasitic agents in immunocompromised hostThottiyil, Anusree
2024Fibrosing interstitial lung disease and associated comorbiditiesPooja, Vijay
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 934


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