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  • Antoșel, Artur (Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova, Association of Medical Students and Residents, 2022)
    Introduction. Aggressive non-Hodgkin's lymphomas are a group of lymphoid tissue neoplasms that originate from B- and T-cell precursors and mature B- and T-cells, and are often characterized by rapid growth, tumor mass-driven ...
  • Mornealo, Elena; Popovici, Ludmila; Chircă, Lucia (Asociația Obștească ”Economie, Management și Psihologie în Medicină” din Republica Moldova, 2011)
    Summary. Ionizing radiation and its lasting effects on the thyroid gland. At the 25 years after the biggest nuclear disaster, there is still a lot of polemics and controversy regarding its chronic long term ...
  • Sinescu, I.; Gluck, G. (Societatea Urologilor din Republica Moldova, 2002)
    Introduction: Radical cystectomy or anterior exenteration, is the treatment of choice for infiltrative bladder tumours in female patients. Radical cystectomy consists in ileo-pelvic lymphodissection + extirpation of: a), ...
  • Sinescu, I.; Gluck, G. (Societatea Urologilor din Republica Moldova, 2002)
    Introduction: Radical cystectomy represents the elective treatment of infiltrative bladder tumour consisting in the ileo-pelvic lymphodissection followed by the urinary bladder, prostata and seminal vesicles extirpation. ...
  • Petrut, B.; Nechita, F.; Tintila, B.; Popescu, D.S.; Hica, Ileana; Resiga, Liliana; Irimie, A. (Asociaţia chirurgilor “Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova, 2011)
    Abstract. Tumoral pathology of the horseshoe kidney is a rare pathology, only half of the tumors represent renal cell carcinoma. We will present the case of a 45 year old man known with horseshoe kidney diagnosed with a ...
  • Macștutis, Artur (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Introducere: Craniosinostoza este o condiție de fuziune precoce a unei sau mai multor suturi craniene, care rezultă în deformarea configurației capului, asimetriei faciale, și este însoțită de consecințe funcționale, ...
  • Paladii, Irina; Kusturov, Vladimir; Ghidirim, Gheorghe (Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie ”Nicolae Testemițanu” din Republica Moldova, 2021)
    Background. The main methods of radiodiagnosis in trauma to pregnant women are USG, radiography and CT. USG is the safest non-invasive method for examining the pregnant woman and the fetus. In trauma associated with ...
  • Covalciuc, Ala; Sîrbu, Dumitru; Procopenco, Olga (Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei. Ştiinţe Medicale, 2007)
    Fracturile oaselor craniului facial fac parte din cele mai numeroase afecţiuni ale scheletului. Numărul lor în structura altor patologii ale craniului facial şi în numărul total de traume, nu numai nu are tendinţa de ...
  • Rotaru, Mihai (Asociația Obștească "Economie, Management și Psihologie în Medicină", 2012)
    Scop: determinarea caracteristicilor de radiodiagnostic ale osteomielitei. Materiale și metode. Studiul prezintă o analiză retrospectivă a materialului iconografic și a fișelor de observaţie a 64 de pacienţi cu osteomielită, ...
  • Grib, Liviu; Cenusa, Octavian; Varvariuc, Viorica; Abraș, Marcel; Grib, Andrei; Grajdieru, Romeo (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2017)
    Background: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is associated with a 5-fold increase in the risk of stroke and a 3-fold increase in the incidence of heart failure. The increase in AF prevalence can be attributed both to better ...
  • Cucu, Dragoș; Danici, Alexandru; Danici, Anastasia; Bordian, Victoria (MedEspera, 2018)
    Introduction. The knowledge of the endodontic system by the practitioner, is the succes of the reliable root canal treatment. Aim of the study. This study provides the evaluation of radiographic angulation of root ...
  • Cotoi, Ioana Adina; Gheonea, Ioana Andreea; Bondari, Simona; Bondari, Andrei (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Background: Gonarthrosis represents one of the most frequent knee conditions, most commonly found in the 5th-6th life decades and not only, mainly in women, being the main cause of motoric disability in Europe, with a ...
  • Humă, Laurențiu (MedEspera, 2020)
    Background. Transposition of the great arteries is an embryological misplacement of the Aorta and the trunk of the Pulmonary Artery, in which the Aorta rises from the right ventricle, while the pulmonary trunk continues ...
  • Voloc, Chiril (MedEspera, 2020)
    Introduction. Osteoporosis is a common systemic disease of the skeleton, characterized by low bone mass and disturbances in the microarchitecture of bone tissue, which leads to increased fragility of bones and the risk ...
  • Porosencov, Egor; Railean, Silvia (Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie "Nicolae Testemiţanu" din Republica Moldova, 2021)
    Background. Bone grafts are a necessary component of the care protocol for persons with cleft lip and palate (CLP). Radiological evaluation is an indispensable tool in evaluating the integration of the bone graft at the ...
  • Voloc, Chiril; Corcimari, Evelina (MedEspera, 2018)
    Introduction. Implant prosthesis rehabilitation may be affected by osteoporosis, which occurs more frequently in women than in men in a 4:1 ratio. Early radiological changes of osteopenia/osteoporosis determined on ...
  • Tulbure, Vasile (State Medical and Pharmaceutical University Nicolae Testemitanu, Medical Students and Residents Association, Scientific Association of Students and Young Doctors, 2012)
    Introduction: According to the literature, acromio-clavicular injuries represent a problem in the contemporary traumatology because of the possible complications. Radiological diagnosis of acromio-clavicular injuries is ...
  • Khamyk, Liudmyla; Crasovscaia, Svetlana; Netutîhata, Vadim; Marc, Eugenia; Gribiniuc, Zinaida; Bajora, Alexandrina (Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie "Nicolae Testemiţanu" din Republica Moldova, 2020)
    Background. Tumor metastasis is one of the most important problems of modern oncology. On examination, pulmonary metastases are detected in 6-30% of patients with malignant tumors of any location. Objective of the study. ...
  • Cutitari, I.; Rotaru, N.; Mishina, A. (National Society of Pediatric Surgery of the Republic of Moldova, 2017)
    Introduction: Obstructive vaginal anomalies (OVA) are a very rare pathology, occurring at a frequency of 0.1% of newborn girls. OVA is a broad spectrum of various Müllerian anomalies: imperforate hymen (IH), complete ...
  • Stratulat, Petru; Stasii, Ecaterina; Podubnîi, Elisaveta; Fortuna, Iacob; Rotaru, Mihai; Beniş, Svetlana; Calmîş, Victoria (Ministerul Sănătăţii al Republicii Moldova, 2010)
    Obiectivele elaborării Protocolului clinic naţional:  Formarea unei concepţii unice despre rahitism la persoanele implicate în asistenţa medicală.  Standardizarea definiţiei şi conduitei la copiii sănătoşi, cu risc ...