Obezitatea morbidă este o maladie cronică plurifactorială, cu o creştere spectaculoasă a incidenţei în ultimii ani la nivel mondial. Tratamentul conservativ al obezităţii morbide este ineficient, impunând dezvoltarea diferitor procedee chirurgicale. Intervenţiile chirurgicale
sunt clasificate în malabsorbtive, restrictive şi malabsorbtiv-restrictive. Fiecare procedeu are avantaje şi dezavantaje. În acest articol se
vor examina efectul chirurgical asupra masei corporale şi a comorbidităţilor, cât şi riscurile acestor intervenţii.
Morbid obesity is a multi-factorial chronic disease, with a rapidly increasing prevalence for some time past, in most countries of the world.
Conservative treatment of morbid obesity is unsatisfactory and that is why several surgical methods have been developed. These are
classified in three categories: malabsorptive procedures, restrictive procedures and malabsorptive-restrictive procedures. Every surgical
method has advantages and disadvantages. This article examines the effect of surgery on the body weight and the comorbidities, as well
as the safety of these operations.