Show simple item record Ghidirim, Gheorghe Conţu, Ghenadie 2020-06-04T07:34:41Z 2020-06-04T07:34:41Z 2009
dc.identifier.citation GHIDIRIM, Gheorghe, CONŢU, Ghenadie. Reconstrucţia glandei mamare. In: Arta Medica. 2009, nr. 2(35), pp. 31-36. ISSN 1810-1852. en_US
dc.identifier.issn 1810-1852
dc.description Catedra chirurgie N 1 „N .Anestiadi”, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu” en_US
dc.description.abstract Autorii pun în discuţie metodele contemporane de reconstrucţie mamară (RM). Sunt analizate rezultatele a 22 de operaţii de RM, inclusiv doua operaţii de restabilire a glandei mamare cu lamboul TRAM. În unul din aceste cazuri a fost necesară reconstrucţia bilaterală a sinilor. Este prezentată o metodă proprie de închidere a defectului aponeurotic după reconstrucţia cu lamboul TRAM. S-a dat o apreciere a avantajelor şi dezavantajelor diferitor metode de reconstrucţie mamară. en_US
dc.description.abstract The modern methods of breast reconstruction were discussed. The authors analyses the results of 22 operations for breast reconstruction, including 2 cases of TRAM operations. The bilateral breast reconstruction was performed in one case. The new method for close of abdominal wall aponeurosis defect after TRAM breast reconstruction was presented. It was estimate the advantages and disadvantages of different methods of breast reconstruction.
dc.language.iso ro en_US
dc.publisher Asociaţia chirurgilor “Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova en_US
dc.subject.mesh Breast Neoplasms--diagnosis en_US
dc.subject.mesh Breast Neoplasms--physiopathology en_US
dc.subject.mesh Breast Neoplasms--surgery en_US
dc.subject.mesh Surgical Flaps en_US
dc.subject.mesh Reconstructive Surgical Procedures en_US
dc.subject.mesh Surgery, Plastic en_US
dc.title Reconstrucţia glandei mamare en_US
dc.title.alternative Breast reconstruction en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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