Pacienții cu arsuri ale căilor respiratorii comparativ cu pacienții fără acest traumatism au suportat afecțiuni pulmonare mai frecvent. La
74(42,2±5,7%) pacienți cu ACR s-au dezvoltat afecțiuni pulmonare de diversă localizare, în comparație cu 4(2,2±7,3%) pacienți ce au manifestat
aceste complicații fără ACR.
From the total of 447 patients examined at hospitalisation, combined traumatism was identified: thermal injuries and burns of respiratory
system with inhalator pathologies were identified briefly at 128(26,7±3,9%) from these, but 59(12,3+4,3%) patients had concomitant
affections of respiratory system: pneumonia, bronchopneumonia which developed during the evolution of combustional disease diagnosticated
at hospitalization in CRLT.