Neurofibromatoza reprezintă o maladie congenitală a sistemului nervos, țesutului muscular, oaselor, pielii și se caracterizează prin multiple
neurofibroame și pete pigmentate tip „cafe au lait” pe piele și mucoase, asociindu-se cu diverse patologii neurologice, psihice, hormonale,
ale scheletului. În cazul maladiei Recklinghauzen dimensiunile tumorilor pot fi de la 0,5 cm, atingînd uneori dimensiuni enorme (30 – 40
cm). Unica metoda de tratament este chirurgicală. În legatură cu riscul înalt al malignizării tumorilor benigne (5,2 %), pacienții necesită
dispensarizare la oncolog.
Neurofibromatosis is an autosomal dominant disease characterized by disordered growth of ectodermal tissues, and is part of a group
of disorders called Phakomatoses (neurocutaneous syndrome).Neurofibromatosis 1(NF1 Von Recklinghausen’s disease) is characterized
by spots of increased skin pigmentation(cafй au lait spots), combined with peripheral nerve tumors and a variety of others dysplastic
abnormalities of the skin, nervous system, bones, endocrine organs and blood vessels.The reponsible gene is located on the long arm of
chromosome 17. Its incidence is 1 per 3.000 births and present in about 30 persons per 10.000 population. It is inherited as an autosomal
dominant trait, but about 50 percent of cases arise as mutations. The peripheral nerve tumors of two types, schwannomas and neurofi
bromas.Both types of tumor occasionally become malignant.